The Week Ahead 10 January 2020
16 Jan 2020
From the Master 来自校长 마스터
Dear parents Welcome back to another term here at Wellington, and a particularly warm welcome to our new pupils and their families. One of the goals for me for the rest of the year is to connect more directly with our parent body, improving further the channels of communication between home and school. To this end, those parents with children in the Nest will have greater access to senior leaders from across the school as we will have a new base in that part of the school. My colleagues and I will be available each morning and afternoon to chat with parents as they drop off and collect their children. You will also notice that our regular survey of parents for the school’s Annual Review opens for responses next week. Details are given below, so please keep an eye out for the email which contains the link to the survey. Annual Review Survey: As in previous years, we will be hosting a visit from the UK Annual Review team this year during the 17th and 18th of March. The feedback from the previous inspection was extremely positive, and the school has continued to build on this even further. The views and experiences of parents are important in informing the team of the trends in the school and as part of the process, an Annual Review survey will be made available on Tuesday 14th of January and will close on the 2nd of February. This will be available in our three main languages of English, Chinese and Korean. I would be very grateful for your support in getting as much feedback to the team as possible, and the survey should take only 10-15 minutes to complete online. As ever, I hope that this new term offers another opportunity for us to continue to build the Wellington community here in Tianjin, forging a school in which all our pupils are supported, stretched and challenge to achieve their best. Best wishes Julian Jeffrey MASTER *Notice The school will finish at 1600hrs on all days this week. Buses will run at these times. MEET THE MASTER Duke of York’s Room 1400hrs-1500hrs, Thursday 16th January This week’s Meet the Master slot is open to parents of pupils in Years 2 to 6. If you would like to attend, please confirm via email with Ms Emma Shi ( by Wednesday 15th January. PARENT BRIEFING: THE HUMANITIES AT WELLINGTON Common Room 0900hrs - 1015hrs, Wednesday 15th January Every other Wednesday morning from 0900hrs-1015hrs, parents will have the chance to engage with the school in sessions that cover all aspects of your child’s education, from the Early Years to A-Levels and university admissions. For this week's meeting, Mrs Megan Gater, the Head of Humanities, will give details of the Humanities programmes in the Senior School. There will also be time for questions after the session. It starts at 0900hrs in the Common Room. FROM THE HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL Junior School: Parent's Evening Week 13th – 17th January The parent-teacher meetings during the week of 13th -17th January 2020 are to follow up on the progress that our pupils have made over the entire Michaelmas term. Parents will be able to discuss progress made in assessment week, and also over time. Please book in your time preference if you have not done so already. We hope that you will be able to attend, as these meetings are of great value to review student achievement and to set new goals to ensure that each individual achieves the successes which they deserve. Please note that booking can only be made, as previously, via schools-buddy ( This is the same system used to choose ASA options. We look forward to seeing you. NEST PARENT BRIEFING: HOW GRANDPARENTS CAN SUPPORT A CHILD'S LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT Common Room 1430hrs – 1530hrs, Wednesday 15th January Intergenerational education is a common phenomenon in family education now. As grandparents, how to recognise their role in the growth of children, how to create a harmonious family atmosphere, and how to play a role in home-school cooperation. Dr. Yang Yang, the Deputy Head, will give a lecture on ‘How grandparents can support a child's learning & development’. Everyone is welcome to attend. FROM THE HEAD OF MANDARIN Chinese New Year Celebrations Please note that Chinese writing competition final will be happening at 1500hrs – 1545hrs on next Tuesday and Senior School Chinese New Year Show will be at 1450hrs – 1550hrs on next Thursday as there is no ASA next week. Parents are warmly welcome to join the shows, the dress day and the Temple Fair! FROM THE UNIVERSITY GUIDANCE TEAM USAP and USAD Parents’ Meeting Common Room 1500hrs - 1600hrs, Thursday 16th January We would like to meet all our USAP and USAD parents before the onsite competition to talk about the itinerary and things to pay attention to during our stay in Chengdu. USAP and USAD pupils are also welcomed to attend. FROM THE DIRECTOR OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Children and Screen Time Dear parents, as the two-week Chinese New Year holiday is coming up, our children will have some free time to spend on their digital devices. I would like to share a few words about screen time, as an excerpt from an article I recently wrote. As digital devices and new technologies inevitably fill the space around us and our microcosms, rarely failing to amaze us with the ways in which they make our lives easier, safer, and more entertaining, we cannot avoid wondering about the possible negative effects this technology may have on us. A study published recently by Dr Andrew Przybylski from Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford and Dr Netta Weinstein from the Cardiff University found that “. . . there is a point between low and high use of technology that is ‘just right’ for teenagers when their sense of well-being is boosted by having ‘moderate’ amounts of screen time.” The researchers suggest this may be because digital connectivity can enhance creativity, communication skills and development. The tipping point when usage starts having negative effects is:- 2 hours for videogame playing and smartphone use
- 4 hours for watching videos
- For children younger than 18 months, avoid use of screen media other than video-chatting. Parents of children 18 to 24 months of age who want to introduce digital media should choose high-quality programming and watch it with their children to help them understand what they are seeing.
- For children ages 2 to 5 years, limit screen use to 1 hour per day of high-quality programs. Parents should co-view media with children to help them understand what they are seeing and apply it to the world around them.
- For children ages 6 and older, place consistent limits on the time spent using media, and the types of media, and make sure media does not take the place of adequate sleep, physical activity and other behaviors essential to health. (A link to creating your own AAP approved Family Media Plan can be found at the bottom of this article)
- Designate media-free times together, such as dinner or driving, as well as media-free locations at home, such as bedrooms.
- Have ongoing communication about online citizenship and safety, including treating others with respect online and offline.
- Avoid exposure to devices or screens for 1 hour before bedtime, as evidence suggests that media use can negatively affect sleep.
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