Apply Tianjin Wellington

Prepare to Apply

Homepage Admissions Prepare to Apply

Application Process 


Step 1.
Visit the College


This is optional but highly recommended – you can arrange a visit here


Step 2.
Complete and Submit an Online Application Form via Open Apply


Submit the online application, upload all available supporting documents as outlined in the application checklist and pay the non-refundable RMB 2,000 application fee (where applicable). The Admissions’ team will confirm receipt.


If this is your first time logging into Open Apply, please register an account first and then click proceed to application. If you have already registered an Open Apply account, please sign in and submit an application.


Step 3.
Admissions' Assessment


Once you have applied you will receive an email confirmation from the Admissions’ office to confirm receipt of the initial application material. If you do not receive an email, please contact the Admissions’ Office to ensure your materials have been received.


Upon receipt of the application, the Admissions’ Office will arrange for the relevant testing and an interview, if this is deemed necessary.


Step 4.
Admissions' Committee Review Application and Assessments


Decisions will be communicated by email. The intention is that an offer of a place will be made within a week of the assessment taking place.


If you would like to book a campus tour, please complete the enquiry form.

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