Week Ahead

The Week Ahead 19th June 2020

06 Jul 2020

From the Master



Dear parentsDespite all the challenges posed by the coronavirus over the past five months, making much of the operation of a conventional school year impossible, I have always maintained that our pupils would not be handicapped in terms of their progress and their ability to achieve. As a result, I am particularly pleased that next week sees us mark the achievements of pupils from across the school. Nest pupils will celebrate their achievements at a final assembly, sharing the highlights of the year and the creativity of all the children. The Junior School will have awards for pupil success in all the core academic subjects, as well as for leadership and modelling the values and Wellington identities. In the Senior School, prizes for effort and attainment will be awarded in addition to the recent round of scholarships for those pupils from years 7-10 who have been judged to have shown exceptional ability and potential across the year. These internal awards, each worth 10% of the tuition fee, are given for academic merit, as well as artistic, sporting and musical distinction. Competitive scholarships, including the most prestigious Shuping scholarship, are awarded to pupils going into the A Level programme. I am delighted to see the quality of our applicants once again this year; it is so important to me that so many outstanding young people see their pathway to the world’s best universities as lying with Wellington’s A Level programme. They will be an inspiration to the generations of pupils coming after them, as well as leading the school community with their commitment to hard work and academic ambition.Of course, I recognise that prizes and scholarships are not for all. If nothing else, it would devalue the awards we made if they became too easily available. They represent just one of the ways in which the school can reward the achievement of our pupils, but they are far from being the only way. Wellingtonians of all ages and abilities can achieve great things in their time in school. It takes no remarkable intellectual or athletic flair to work hard at your goals, for example; even an introvert can thrive on stage or in debating competitions. Success in this way depends so much on intrinsic motivation, the belief in one’s own capacity to shape a future. Young people who believe they can succeed, those who are confident that they have the mental and physical tools to do so, will achieve great things. In this way, it is often factors wholly unconnected to academic, artistic or athletic potential which hold pupils back from achieving more – it is more likely to result from an inability to understand how they themselves can dictate the terms of their own success. Our schoolwide programmes to foster independence in learning, of seeking to reward effort as publicly as we recognise attainment and of highlighting the importance of living our core values each day, all contribute to an environment in which children are encouraged to achieve such personal growth. By helping pupils develop resilience in their schooling and greater independence in their thinking skills, we help to prepare them for a richer life beyond the school.Our celebrations of the achievements of our pupils next week are the result of a deeply held conviction that, as a community, we need to share in the triumphs of others. I hope too that this helps to inspire other puipils to look inside themselves and see there a future scholar, a prize-winner, a prefect or even a head of college. Each one of our youngsters has the innate ability to reach new heights and scale even the loftiest ambition: as we come to the end of a gruelling school year, they will have the chance to reflect on their own learning journey and to look forward to the opportunities still to come. Best wishes Julian Jeffrey MASTER
Junior School Class Photographs 22nd June
Class photographs will be taken next Monday, as part of the end of year celebrations. Please make sure that your child comes to school in full uniform, including appropriate school shoes. If they have PE on Monday, it is recommended that they bring their PE clothes with them, as on this occasion they will need to get changed for their PE lesson in school.
School for all pupils will finish at 1600hrs on Monday and Tuesday, and at 1500hrs on Wednesday 24th June. Buses will run at these times.Senior School pupils will need to return all of their textbooks to their teachers, as well as clean out their lockers on Tuesday from 1500hrs to 1600hrs.End of the year reports will be published via Parent Portal by 1700hrs on Wednesday 24th June.
Year 11 Work Experience
Every summer term, we provide work experience opportunities to year 11 pupils and this year has not been any different. Work experience is important to our pupils’ long-term career because it offers them an opportunity to learn skills and processes that they will only ever be able to learn in a workplace setting. They will get a real feel of how people work together, how things get done and basically how work differs from school, and this essentially prevents any surprises when they finally go from student to full-time employee.The year 11 pupils made excellent use of opportunities in the library, science laboratories, design & technology workshop, Duke of Edinburgh’s international award scheme, Junior School reading buddy scheme, physical education (PE), music, Mandarin, art and humanities’ departments. Other benefits for pupils from this experience include:
  • Getting an insight into the diversity of employees in the workplace.
  • Helping them to make more informed career decisions in the future by assessing their aptitudes and interests and exploring potential careers.
  • Improving their maturity, confidence and self-reliance.
Year 11 pupils surpassed our expectations by displaying high levels of maturity and living the Wellington values in the departments they worked in. It was very encouraging to see the pupils adapt so quickly to the work environment and deliver on targets with light-touch supervision, a very important attribute in the real world of employment. Many thanks to the staff who supported the process this year!
The Earth Day Competition The Earth Day is an annual event created to celebrate the planet's environment and raise public awareness about pollution. The day is observed worldwide on April 22nd with rallies, conferences, outdoor activities and service projects. More than 1 billion people across the globe participate in Earth Day activities, according to EDN.The Science Department and our pupils also took a part in Earth Day activities. We had a video competition between year groups 7-10 and the A-Level Induction year. Our pupils have made fantastic videos. There are 3 videos made from KS3 and 4 videos made from KS4. Here are the competition results:KS3 1st place: Grace, Linda, Tabitha and Zea Y8 2nd place: Mimi Y8 3rd place: Jack Y8KS4 1st place: Coco, Sam, Jerry, Phoenix and Vera Y11 AL Induction 2nd place: Annie, Nancy, Angel and Elizabeth Y10 3rd place: Jasmine Y10 4th place: Fredy, Yuchen and Mingyu Y10

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