Week Ahead

The Week Ahead 25 October 2019

29 Oct 2019
From the Master 来自校长 마스터
Dear parents One of the most important aspects of a teacher’s role in any school is that of acting as a role model for the pupils under their care. This message is drummed into all teachers from the first day of their training and remains a regular part of the conversations and appraisals we have with staff over the course of a year. Children respond to the actions, language and conduct of the adults around them, and as such, modelling the sorts of behaviours we wish to see instilled in our young learners is an absolutely central part of the work we do each day. For Wellington, such behaviours start with our core values; the ‘living values’ of respect, integrity, courage, responsibility and kindness that lie at the heart of any of our family of schools in China and across the world. In this way, by conducting ourselves in line with these values, teachers and staff here at school seek to give life to the words, showing children and young people how these can translate from words on a page to meaningful, powerful forces in shaping our relationships with those around us. The aim of the values is to create a lifelong attachment to conducting ourselves in ways we would like to shape the communities and people in our lives. They are values and behaviours which will help our graduates thrive at any of the world’s leading universities; to succeed in gaining access to their dream careers; and to foster loving, respectful relationships with others over time. You will soon see that we are looking to do more work with our pupils to reinforce such messages in school: Mr Ali will be making some important announcements about this topic in the coming weeks. I know that parents are keen to support the school in cultivating a deeper understanding of the importance of core values in their children. I spend much of my time talking with parents who recognise the centrality of such behaviours in the education of their child. It is one of their reasons for choosing a Wellington education. Parents who are keen to help in this part of their child’s learning can adopt some of the following steps:
  • Talk to your child regularly about the nature of the values and what they mean in practice. We publish a guide to living the values in our term diary. This provides advice for pupils, staff and parents about how they can help to make our community a genuinely values-led one;
  • Hold your child to the highest standards of behaviour at home, framing your expectations of them openly and honestly. If they fall short of such expectations, be clear with them about how you feel – this is about respect and responsibility and your child will learn that there are boundaries;
  • Engage with your child’s classroom or subject teacher openly and regularly about your questions or concerns. This means an open and on-going dialogue with the school, not simply waiting for formal reporting stages or parents’ evenings.
  • Remember that, as the most influential adults in the life of your child, your own communication and conduct makes a huge impression on them. If you are intemperate or rude in your dealings with others, children can learn that such conduct is acceptable;
I am very well aware of how important the Wellington values are to our parent community. I hope these simple tips can help to support the work of the school in meeting our vision to develop, “well-rounded individuals with strong values and the skills to thrive within an ever-changing global society”. Best wishes Julian Jeffrey MASTER FROM THE PASTORAL AND SAFEGUARDING LEAD Halloween Parade and Fancy-Dress Day Wednesday, 30th October   All students are welcome to dress up for the whole day in their Halloween bests. There will be a Halloween Parade led by the Junior School at 1035hrs. The Senior School will be joined by Milepost 3 in the Seldon Theatre at 1500hrs for the “Halloween’s Best Dressed Competition” so there will not be a Junior School Assembly in the Theatre. Students are expected to donate 10RMB to dress up and class teachers and housemasters will collect on the day. Money will be donated to a local charity. Happy Halloween! FROM THE DEPUTY HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL Junior School: Parent meeting week 21st – 25th October   The Junior School parent meetings during the week of 21st -25th October are to follow up on the progress that our pupils have made over the Michaelmas term so far. Parents will be able to discuss the work in books, assessments, and pupils’ attitudes to learning. There will be a School Buddy link where parents are able to sign up. These 10-minute individual meetings are of great value to review student achievement and set new goals to ensure that each pupil achieves the success they deserve. FROM THE SECOND MASTER AND HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL Years 5 and 6 Parent Briefing: The Journey of a Wellingtonian Common Room 0900hrs-1015hrs, Wednesday 30th October   We have a parent briefing on Wednesday aimed at parents of Years 5 and 6. The aim of the briefing is to give our parents an insight into the educational journey of our pupils and make parents aware of how we, as a school, prepare pupils for Senior School, IGCSEs, A levels, university life and beyond. Our pupils not only succeed academically, but also embody and present characteristics that are firmly grounded in the values and identities of Wellington College. Speakers will include Mrs Meyers and Mrs Arden, who will give examples of where pupils make accelerated progress in literacy and language; Mrs Popovic, who will talk about IGCSE options; and Mrs Dong who will give some examples of older pupils who have been new to the school and become examination-ready very quickly and achieved to a very high level.  Finally, Mrs Sabio will talk about pathways to universities and careers for our pupils. FROM THE HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL Senior School Parents’ Evenings Dining Hall, 1700hrs – 1830hrs Years 11 and AL Induction Group: Tuesday, 29th October Years 12 and 13: Thursday, 31st October   There are two Parents’ Evenings next week. Parents’ evening for the parents of pupils in Years 11 and A Level induction group will be on Tuesday 29th October and for Years 12 and 13 on Thursday 31st October. Both evenings run from 1700hrs to 1830hrs in the Dining Hall. Pupils should make appointments with their teachers in advance to ease the queues that can form at such events. Parents will have an opportunity to talk to their child’s teachers about their performance this term. Parents are encouraged to bring copy of the reports with them to the meetings. Members of the Senior Management team will be present to address any questions that parents might have. FROM THE DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Lunchtime Concert Black Box 1330hrs-1355hrs, Friday 1st November   1st November will see our second lunchtime concert of the school year, featuring some fantastic instrumental solos and a vocal contribution from the Wellatonics, the school's a capella and chamber choir. The lunchtime concert series is a chance for our thriving musicians to have a better experience at performing at a higher level, and a chance for audiences to listen to some lesser-known music by underrated composers. As usual, the concert will take place in the Black Box and will begin at 1330hrs. Please be seated before 1325hrs. We hope to see many of you there. FROM THE CHARITY COORDINATOR ‘Movember’ Start on Friday, 1st November   We at Wellington care about raising awareness for different problems our society faces. October is a Breast Cancer Awareness month and our amazing Wellington mums have helped us raise over 14,000 RMB for this great cause. November will be a month dedicated to men’s health. Each year people around the world get involved in the movement known as ‘Movember’ (a portmanteau of the diminutive word for moustache, "mo", and "November").  As it says in BJU International (a leading urology journal), ‘Each November, participants raise awareness and money for men’s health by growing a moustache. As the month goes on, and the moustache takes shape, these men become walking and talking men’s health billboards. Participants use their moustache to facilitate conversations about a wide variety of men’s health issues including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s mental health. They also actively raise money for the Movember Foundation by asking family and friends to donate to their efforts.’ You might have seen our teachers walking around the school with their moustaches in previous years. This time we would like to invite our Wellington dads to join us! In order to help us raise awareness you should follow the following rules:
  1. Begin on 1st November with a clean-shaven face.
  2. Ask your child to take a photo of you and donate 100RMB (your child can give donation to their class teacher or Housemaster)
  3. You must grow and groom a moustache for the whole month.
  4. You cannot have a beard - which means no joining your sideburns to your beard.
  5. Nor can you join your chin to your handlebars.
  6. Pupils and staff will then donate by voting for a winner at the end of the month.
All the funds raised will be donated to the Movember Foundation. Our goal is to raise 5000 RMB and Mr Jeffrey has pledged to double the amount if we reach that total. Please help us to achieve it! French Every Monday 8:45-10:00 MB125 Mrs Audrey Barthelemy audrey.barthelemy18@gmail.com   Art Every Friday 8:30-11:00 MB125 Mrs Markovic ksenija.jakic@wellingtoncollege.cn   Mandarin Every Tuesday 10:15-11:15 MB125 Mrs Yuan and Mrs Zhang yizhang001@foxmail.com   EAL (Beginner level) Every Tuesday of Week A 8:30-9:30 MB125 Mr Furse David.Furse@wellingtoncollege.cn   EAL (Advanced level) Every Thursday of Week B 8:30-9:30 MB125 Mr Furse David.Furse@wellingtoncollege.cn   Pilates Every Tuesday 8:45-10:00 Black Box Mrs Stofkova dstofkova@yahoo.com   How to use Chinese daily life Apps Every Tuesday 13:00-14:00 MB113 Mrs Kim donghong0904@naver.com   Pilates Every Friday 8:45-10:00 Black Box Mrs Stofkova dstofkova@yahoo.com   Yoga Every Wednesday 8:45-10:00 Black Box Mrs Havlíková havlikann@gmail.com   Yoga Every Thursday 10:45-12:00 Black Box Mrs Havlíková havlikann@gmail.com   Traditional Chinese Medicine Every Thursday 9:00-10:30 MB113 Mrs Markovic ksenija.jakic@gmail.com   Notice: Any changes of time/date/venue please follow the notice according to the course organiser. UPCOMING EVENTS   Monday 28 October 2019 All Day Week 10 (B)   8:45AM – 10:00AM FOW: French (LL) (MB 125)   11:00AM - 12:00PM Senior School assembly (JMS) (Theatre)   Tuesday 29 October 2019 8:45AM - 10:00AM FOW: Pilates (LL) (Black Box)   10:15AM - 11:15AM FOW: Mandarin class (LL) (MB 113)   1:00PM – 2:00PM FOW: How to use Chinese daily life Apps (LL) (MB 113)   4:00PM KS5 assembly (DT) (Black Box)   5:00PM Senior School parents' evening: Year 11 (both streams) (DP) (Main Building)   Wednesday 30 October 2019 8:45AM - 10:00AM FOW: Yoga class (LL) (Black Box)   9:00AM - 10:15AM Y5&Y6 Parent Briefing: The Journey of a Wellingtonian (RA) (Common Room)   3:05PM - 3:45PM Halloween parade (TCR)   Thursday 31 October 2019 8:30AM - 9:30AM FOW: English class (advanced level) (MB 234)   9:00AM - 10:30AM FOW: TCM class (LL)   10:45AM - 12:00PM FOW: Yoga class (LL) (Black Box)   3:30PM - 5:15PM Academic Sub-Committee (ES) (Duke of York room)   5:00PM Senior School parents' evening: Years 12 and 13 (DP) (Main Building)   Friday 01 November 2019 All Day University admissions: US early action/early decision deadlines commence (JMS)   8:30AM - 11:00AM FOW: Art class (LL)   8:45AM - 10:00AM FOW: Pilates (LL) (Black Box)   1:25PM - 1:55PM Lunchtime concert (FG) (Black Box)   5:30PM - 7:15PM Facilities and Services Sub-committee (CL) (Duke of York room)   Saturday 02 November 2019 8:00AM College Board SAT examination (JMS) (Main Building)   9:00AM ISCOT Tournament Year 4 – 6 Boys and Girls Table Tennis (@ TIS) (RG)   9:00AM Saturday Activity Programme (SAP) (EvK)

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