The Week Ahead 12 September 2019
17 Sep 2019
From the Master 来自校长 마스터
Dear parents I wrote in my first week ahead piece of the year about the challenge for many pupils of starting a new school year, highlighting that, "acclimatising to a new environment can provoke feelings of anxiety among some children, and of course for many of our pupils, this will be their first days in school." Looking back over the past three weeks, I have seen how quickly the vast majority of them have settled into their new surroundings. A busy school almost inevitably drags its pupils along with it, encouraging them to try new things to enjoy, and it made me reflect on what it was in our school that helped to forge such a strong positive community spirit among our pupils, even within days of starting a new term. We have just completed our anti-bullying week in school, a project led by pupils, for pupils. Many of the most impactful sessions that we witnessed involved children talking about how they feel when they are in school, and how the behaviour of others can materially impact upon their sense of wellbeing. All meaningful life is lived communally; people must, after all, live and work together in order for a society to reach a harmonious state. This is often taken for granted in the adult world – perhaps the reason why harmony so frequently breaks down – and in many schools, this is no different. All too frequently, schools ignore the need to guide and educate their pupils in successful communal living, preferring an unequal emphasis on the individual at the expense of the greater whole. This is, in my view, a mistake. Schools have a moral purpose beyond the classroom. Having what it takes to lead a life in harmony with those around us is not easy and relies much on learned behaviour. Like all the best 'learning', the development of a child's social skills such as empathy, compassion, tolerance and understanding, come through the day-to-day interactions with others. In this way, the way we treat one another assumes a central part in an education; it is why Wellington cherishes values such as respect and integrity so highly. Part of this lies in an understanding that 'real' life, the bits of life which are hard to deal with, upset us or cause us anger and despair, has a habit of creeping up on us without warning. We are seldom prepared for bad news when it comes. This helps to explain why our responses to such setbacks are often excessively emotional and, at times, almost visceral. To prevent such overreactions is, of course, impossible – we would cease to be genuinely 'human' if all the emotion were bred out of us – but schools can help to foster the spirit of trust and community among its members. In this way, young people can be instilled with the core virtues of successful communal living. The best schools recognise this responsibility and build these into their programmes of study. The biggest lesson I was taught during anti-bullying week was how important it was to our pupils that they supported one another when someone needed help; that they listened when their friends wanted to talk; and that they treated all their peers, young and old, with respect. Pupils showed how much it meant to them to be part of this Wellington community and how committed they were to making it a more harmonious one for all. Best wishes Julian Jeffrey MASTER MEET THE MASTER AND BURSAR Duke of York's Room 1400hrs-1500hrs, Thursday 19th September This week's Meet the Master and Bursar slot is open to parents of pupils in all year groups. If you would like to attend, please confirm via email with Ms. Emma Shi ( by Wednesday 18th September. From Services Supervisor: Friday 20th September 1400hrs A reminder about the food committee schedule: The first food committee for 2019-20 Academic Year on 20th September 2019 for Main Building which is from Junior School (including Year 1) to Senior School. The Nest food committee will be on 27th September 2019 which covers Eaglets to Reception. FROM THE HEAD OF EARLY YEARS Nest Parents' Evening 1700hrs, Tuesday and Thursday 17th and 19th September Ongoing communication is essential between home and school in order to ensure a child's success in learning. This week, we invite Nest parents to our Parents' Evenings on Tuesday, 17th September and Thursday 19th September to discuss important milestones children have achieved since the beginning of term as well as set targets for the remainder of the year. There will be sign-up sheets available in the class and if you are unable to make the appointment, please contact your class teacher to arrange an alternate time. We hope to see you then! FROM THE HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL Parents' Evening: Year 11 (A Level Induction Year) Open House Atrium 1700hrs – 1830hrs, Tuesday 17th September Parents' evening for the parents of pupils in Year 11 (A Level Induction Year) will be held on Tuesday 17th September from 1700hrs to 1830hrs. Pastoral care at Wellington plays a crucial role in developing every child to his or her full potential, but it can be a part of school that is unfamiliar to many parents. If you would like to meet your child’s tutor and Housemaster/Housemistress, please use this opportunity to do so. The meeting point is in the Atrium at 1700hrs where, after a welcome from our senior teachers, you will have an opportunity to ask questions about the House system, have a tour around your child’s House, and talk to her/his tutor and Housemaster or Housemistress. FROM THE UNIVERSITY GUIDANCE TEAM USAP and USAD Parent Briefing Common Room 1700hrs – 1800hrs, Thursday 19th September We would like to congratulate those who have passed the USAP and USAD entry tests and have been selected to represent Wellington for this year's USAP and USAD competition. A parents' meeting will be held regarding the competition’s learning plan, pupil expectations and trip expenses next Thursday, September 19th. The meeting will start from 1700hrs in the Common Room. FROM THE HEAD OF MANDARIN DEPARTMENT Mandarin trip: Year 11 and AL Induction Year 0830hrs – 1300hrs, Wednesday 18th September In order to encourage further our pupils' interest in exploring modern Chinese culture and history, the Mandarin Department is organizing a trip for Year 11 Chinese native-speakers to the Five Avenues area on Wednesday morning of 18th September 2019. As a part of the A Level Induction Chinese Curriculum, pupils will gain a better understanding of the historical background of modern literary works they are learning by visiting Tianjin History Museum and former residences of celebrities in the Five Avenues. Pupils will set off at 0830hrs and be back at school before 1300hrs. For further details, please see the parent letter handed out on Thursday (5th September). For any further information about the trip, please contact at FROM THE DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Lunchtime Concert Black Box 1325hrs – 1355hrs, Friday 20th September On Friday 20th September, we will have our first lunchtime concert of the academic year, which will feature a selection of instrumental soloists. This is a special platform for pupils who perform at a high level to showcase their talent and is the result of their hard work and preparation. In this twenty-five minute set, we will hear music by Tchaikovsky, Hurlstone, and Chopin. Please be seated at 1325hrs in the Black Box. We hope to see many of you there. FROM MS ROGIC, THE CHARITY COORDINATOR Charity Sleepover Black Box 1600hrs, Friday 20th September Once again we are very excited to announce an exciting opportunity to support Jian Hua school with our annual sleepover on September 20th 2019 here at Wellington. It will start at 1600hrs and it will take place in the Black Box. Admission fee is 50 RMB and students should collect a sponsorship form from Ms Rogic in order to raise as much money as possible for this wonderful cause. This year we are aiming to break our record of 5000 RMB. Students will need to bring:- Sleeping bag and pillow
- Pyjamas or comfortable sleeping clothes
- Breakfast
- Money for takeaway dinner and snacks
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