Week Ahead

The Week Ahead 6 September 2019

15 Sep 2019

From the Master 来自校长 마스터

Dear parentsThe new academic year may only be two weeks old, but the school is already brimming with energy and purpose. I have been to lessons to see classes from all age groups busy and engaged with their learning. I outlined the main academic goals for the school in my recent start of year letter, and I am so delighted to see how hard all our pupils and staff are working towards making those goals a reality. Such positive news and progress would be reason enough to rejoice, but the Wellington College family of schools is enjoying a double celebration this week. The first is the stunning series of results achieved by pupils graduating from Wellington. You will have heard already of our own record-breaking examination results at IGCSE and A Level here in Tianjin; we have just heard the excellent news from our sister schools in Shanghai and the UK that they too have achieved unparalleled success in the their public examinations’ results. Our aim across the entire Wellington organisation is to offer our pupils unrivalled educational opportunities, regardless of the school or city in which they find themselves, and results of this scale underline the huge advantages our pupils have in their ambitions to reach the world’s best universities. Our second source of shared celebration is the 10th anniversary this week of the founding of Wellington College China. Tianjin, as you will know, is the site where Wellington College first launched its overseas group, but before the school opened its doors to pupils in 2011, the foundation of the project to bring the best of eastern and western educational practices together in one organisation was born in 2009. Staff and governors from across China, joined by senior colleagues from the UK, will come together for a series of special commemorative events aimed at celebrating the passion, the extraordinary vision and the drive of our founder and Chair of Governors, Mrs Joy Qiao. It gives great pleasure to all of us here in Tianjin to play such a central part in the history of the Wellington College China group, and we are very much looking forward to sharing this landmark anniversary with her and all our colleagues next week. Best wishes Julian Jeffrey MASTER


Duke of York’s Room

1400hrs-1500hrs, Thursday

12th September

This week’s Meet the Master slot is aimed at parents of pupils in Years 7 to 11. If you would like to attend, please confirm via email with Ms. Emma Shi

(emma.shi@wellingtoncollege.cn) by Wednesday 11th September.


Monday 9th September: Common Room


We are delighted to welcome Mr Iain Henderson, a senior Deputy Head at our sister school, Wellington College in England, to give a briefing to all parents of Year 8 pupils. He will be providing details of an exciting new joint project between Wellington College and Wellington Colleges in China. Wellington has developed a bespoke summer school, to launch in July 2020, and which will allow our Year 8 pupils to spend time in the UK, not only engaged in language learning but also touring some of the most famous sites of British history and seeing towns like Oxford first-hand. The preliminary summer school, held for the for the first time this year for pupils from Hangzhou, proved a great success and we are delighted to be able to offer the chance to our pupils for next summer. The venue is Common Room and the briefing begins at 0900hrs.


Junior School and Senior School: Common Room

0900hrs - 1015hrs, Wednesday

Nest: N205

1100hrs, Wednesday

11th September

Every Wednesday morning from 0900hrs -1015hrs, parents will have the chance to engage with the school in sessions that cover all aspects of your child’s education, from the Early Years to A Levels and university admissions. For this week's meeting, Mrs Jane Arden and Ms Raisa Romer, will give details of the English language development in the Junior and Senior school at 0900hrs in the Common Room. Mrs Dionne Zantua will then outline language plans in the Nest at 1100hrs in room N205.


Roald Dahl Day

12th September, Thursday

 September 13th marks the birth date of Roald Dahl, the famous British novelist and poet, and one of the greatest story-tellers of children's literature.

In memory of the popular writer, our pupils in the Junior School will dress up as their favourite of Dahl’s character and share their love for Roald Dahl’s books.

Our children will enjoy Buddy Reading and discover more of the secrets of Dahl’s writing: his inventive, playful use of language; a sense of humor and incredible imagination: the reason he was able to win the hearts of so many readers. This year’s event will take place on 12th September. We also have special mystery guests reading Dahl books to our pupils, leading up to the day, as well as hidden golden tickets around the Junior School that result in a surprise event.

Parents are welcome to watch the Dahl Costume Parade on the field, at 1000hrs, on 12th September.


Parents' Evening: Year 7 Open House


1700hrs – 1830hrs, Thursday

12th September

Parents’ evening for the parents of pupils in Year 7 will be held on Thursday, 12th September from 1700hrs to 1830hrs. Pastoral care at Wellington plays a crucial role in developing every child to her or his full potential, but it is often a part of school that is unfamiliar to many parents. If you would like to meet your child’s tutor and Housemaster, please use this opportunity to do so. The meeting point is in the Atrium at 1700hrs where, after a welcome from our senior teachers, you will have an opportunity to ask questions about the House system, have a tour around your child’s House, and talk to her/his tutor and Housemaster or Housemistress.

Parent Briefing: Year 12 - University applications and summer schools Common Room 1730hrs, Thursday 12th September There will be a parent briefing about university applications and potential summer schools on 12th September in the Common Room at 1730hrs. Parents of pupils in all year groups are welcome to attend. There will be plenty of opportunities for questions.


Every Friday



Mrs Markovic



Every Tuesday



Mrs Yuan and Mrs Zhang


EAL(Beginner level)

Every Tuesday of Week A



Mr Furse


EAL(Advanced level)

Every Thursday of Week B



Mr Furse



Every Tuesday


Black Box

Mrs Stofkova



Every Friday


Black Box

Mrs Stofkova



Every Wednesday


Black Box

Mrs Havlíková



Every Thursday


Black Box

Mrs Havlíková


Traditional Chinese Medicine

Every Thursday



Mrs Markovic


Notice: Any changes of time/date/venue please follow the notice according to the course organiser.


Monday 09 September 2019

All Day

Week 4 (B)


Year 8 Parent Briefing: Wellington College Summer School (ES) (Common Room)

11:00AM - 12:00PM

Senior School assembly (JMS) (Theatre)


ISCOT League HS Boys and Girls Volleyball vs TEDA (a) (RG)

Tuesday 10 September 2019

All Day

Wellington College China: 10 Year anniversary celebration (PR) (Theatre)

8:45AM - 10:00AM

FOW: Pilates (LL) (Black Box)

10:15AM - 11:15AM

FOW: Mandarin class (LL)


ISCOT League MS Boys and Girls Football vs IST (a) (RG)

Wednesday 11 September 2019

8:45AM - 10:00AM

FOW: Yoga class (LL) (Black Box)

9:00AM - 11:45AM

Parent briefing: English language development at Wellington (ES) (Main Building)

3:05PM - 3:45PM

Junior School assembly (RA) (Theatre)

Thursday 12 September 2019

All Day

Roald Dahl Day (MM) (JS)

9:00AM - 10:30AM

FOW: TCM class (LL)

10:45AM - 12:00PM

FOW: Yoga class (LL) (Black Box)

2:00PM - 3:00PM

Meet the Master: Years 7-11 (ES) (DoY)

2:00PM - 5:00PM

Junior School inter-house football (RG) (Sports Centre)


Nest baseline reports published (DZ)

5:00PM - 6:30PM

Senior School parents' evening: Year 7 Open House (DP) (Main Building)


Senior School parent briefing: Year 12 - university applications and summer schools (JMS) (Main Building)

Friday 13 September 2019

All Day

Mid-Autumn Festival (school closed) (ES)


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