The Week Ahead 23 August 2019
27 Aug 2019
From the Master 来自校长 마스터
Dear parents I began this year's series of Week Ahead pieces last week with a reminder that timely communication between school and home is a vital part of the success in a child's education. The school is committed to being an undefended, open participant in such a dialogue, and it is my sincere hope that all our parents, however long you have been with the Wellington family, feel equally willing and able to be proactive. The start of a new year is clearly a key time for such clarity of messages between us, and I thought it may help to reinforce the ways and means of communication that the school uses. School-home communication There are several ways the school sends out messages to parents, both individually and collectively:- On an individual basis, work in class, progress updates and reminders about special school events like trips will go out via the class, or House, T-chat account. If you have not yet registered for the new year's T-Chat functionality, please note that you child will be bringing home a QR code for you to scan in order to set this up. If you experience any difficulty with this process, please contact the administrator, Ms Jiao via email:
- For more confidential or urgent communications, such as a follow up for an unexplained absence or a medical concern, you should expect a phone call. This requires you to have provided an up-to-date mobile telephone number to the school, so please confirm any changes with our pupil record administrator, Ms Zhao:
- Clearly, face-to-face interactions are usually the quickest and most convenient ways in which to deal with a concern or question you may have. The list of formal parent evenings for the school year are published in the new term diary, which was sent home last week. Pages 43-48 outline the dates and times of such meetings for parents across the school. You can, of course, request a private meeting with your child's teachers or a member of the school's leadership team in order to discuss a specific issue or concern. This can best be done by email or by calling the Reception desk (tel. 22-8758-7199), from where you will be allocated a member of staff to support you.
- Emails sent via iSAMS, our school management system, provide parents with all the news and updates that relate to large parts of the school community. These includes letters from the Master, or important updates from the Heads of School and other senior leaders.
- Weekly newsletters: The Nest and Junior School send out a digest of upcoming learning, key events and, where relevant, homework reminders. These go out in hard copy and email each Friday afternoon. Please check your child's schoolbag for the hard copy version!
- Public messages, mainly focused on news and events that are of interest to the whole Wellington community, go out via email and WeChat. These include the Week Ahead, obviously, but also specialist articles from members of staff highlighting the teaching and learning that goes on in the school. To follow the school’s various WeChat accounts, scan the QR codes below.
- Finally, we also host three regular sessions for parents to come in and hear about the school and its work. They include parent briefings, held at 0900hrs every other Wednesday, in which you can find out more about specific areas of academic practice; we also have weekly Meet the Master sessions (Thursdays at 14:00hrs), during which parents from across the school have a chance to ask questions about any issues that may be of interest. Each month, we include the Bursar in such discussions, and these meetings tend to focus on issues around the school's services such as catering or buses. Thirdly, the Bursar chairs a food committee meeting (one for Nest parents, the other for the rest of the school) on a termly basis. Parent representatives attend these meetings and have the chance to engage directly with the catering providers, Compass Chartwell.
- Full access to the school is only possible when a parent is in possession of a valid, up-to-date identification card.
- The exterior door leading to the Junior bus hall and dining room will require card access at all times except between 0800-0830hrs each weekday. This is to facilitate the arrival of pupils in the morning whilst restricting access during the rest of the school day. Parents without valid id and visitors will be asked to enter the school via the front entrance and Reception desk.
- The Nest security gate will be closed at 0845hrs. Parents arriving after this time will need to wait in the gate house in order to be escorted into the Nest.
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