Week Ahead

The Week Ahead 14 June 2019

17 Jun 2019
Dear parents   The long summer holiday can evoke mixed emotions in families. Children almost invariably see it as a chance to get away from school for an extended period, and a chance to enjoy spending time with their families. Parents, equally understandably, often worry about the potential that such a long break has for inducing stagnation in their child’s learning. Both points of view have merit. There is plenty of research available on the importance of sustained holiday time as a positive force for learning and wellbeing, as well as evidence to suggest that learning can ‘plateau’ if neglected for too long. The summer holiday affords a great chance for parents and children to experiment, to explore new interests and, with time less of a scarce commodity than it is during term time, it can be a wonderful opportunity to discover new hobbies. Reading, so vital in developing language fluency and vocabulary, can really flourish in the long hours of July and August. Family visits to museums, theatres and concerts can help to spark lifelong passions; travel itself, of course, can be a great spur to the imagination and understanding the world. An active summer of sport and exercise can help children (and their parents, of course) to become fitter, sleep better and lead healthier lives. I recognise that, for many families, such holiday time is largely reserved for children, and parents rarely enjoy such substantial breaks. For them, there is a real concern that the long holiday can mean hours of unsupervised leisure time for their child and, consequently, have an adverse impact on the progress of their learning. One way to help address this is to look at the option of summer camps for children. These are increasingly popular with parents, as they offer structured programmes of study, experienced educators and, importantly, a blend of classroom and activity-based courses. Our own summer camp (8th-19th July and 22nd-2nd August) is being run by the school for the first time. Teachers have been recruited from among our own staff, but significantly, we now have a number of very experienced teachers joining us from Wellington College in England. As ever, we are committed to offering high-quality teaching and coaching, in small group classes and with children allocated by age group to maximise their learning. The camp will offer tuition in English, science, public speaking and debating, creative writing, as well as activities and sports such as swimming, golf, art and dance. In this way, parents and children can be assured of the quality of the programmes on offer, as well as be confident that they are being kept safe and busy in the school. With unprecedented levels of sign ups, we are already approaching capacity for the summer camp, but we have a few spaces for Wellingtonians aged between 6 and 12 years. For further details of the camp and its programmes, the timings of the day and the teaching team, please scan the QR code that can be found further down this Week Ahead. The summer holidays are an important time for children to regather their energies for the coming year at school, but without structure and planning, there is the potential for weeks of drift. Children need to be ready to hit the ground running once the new term begins, and as a result, helping them to plan their time and maintain their language levels are particular priorities.   Best wishes   Julian Jeffrey MASTER FROM THE ACADEMY PROGRAMME MANAGER Summer Camp Wellington College in Tianjin will organize a Summer Camp for children aged from six to twelve years old from Monday 8th July to Friday 19th July and Monday 22nd July to Friday 2nd August 2019. Children will learn in a fun and intellectually inspiring environment which espouses Wellington College China core values of Courage, Respect, Integrity, Kindness, Responsibility and helps to develop the whole child as a well-rounded individual. Courses will include: English, Science, Computer Science, Arts, Music, Sports and Swimming. Four teachers from Wellington UK are joining us to strengthen our teaching team. It is proven that a Summer Camp experience can provide an excellent platform for personal, social and physical development. On a personal level, Summer Camps build self-confidence and independence. Children can explore new things while improving their confidence in spoken English. At a social level, Summer Camps break down barriers. All participants end up working as a team which creates strong, and indeed often lifelong, bonds of friendship. There are only a few places left, so please be quick to sign up through the QR below! FROM THE DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Summer Concert Theatre 1800hrs, Friday 21st June As the end of this academic year draws to a close, we would like to invite you to our final music concert of the year which will feature some of the most exciting movements from Carl Orff's Carmina Burana, orchestral arrangements from Bizet's Carmen, the Wellatonics and a range of extraordinary soloists and ensembles. The concert will start promptly at 18:00hrs in the Seldon Theatre, so please be seated at 17:55hrs at the latest. Refreshments will be available after the concert. We hope to see many of you there. FROM THE HEAD OF ART DEPARTMENT
Summer ExhibitionBlack Box Foyer and South Corner GalleryMonday, 17th JuneFollowing the extraordinary achievements of our senior art students whose work is currently on display in the Black Box foyer, we are turning our attention to the younger year groups and their creative achievements over the last few months. Artworks from KS3, Year 10 and our A Level Induction art classes will be going on display this week in the South Corner gallery, to be found in the far corner staircase of the school overlooking the school field. This is a new display location for the art department and there will be further exhibitions held here in the coming academic year. If you have the chance, please visit this week and next to have a taste of our younger artists' talents and I'm sure you'll be delighted by what you find!
FROM THE HEAD OF EARLY YEARS NEST PARENTS BRIEFING: CPR TRAINING Nest Library 1000hrs – 1100hrs, Wednesday 19th June For this academic year's final Nest Parents' Briefing, our Head Nurse, Ms Candy Chang, will provide training on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for children and adults. This is an important life skill that can help preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening or promote recovery. Registration is now open for Nest parents and family, kindly email Ms Hannah Wang on or before 17th June. hannah.wang@wellingtoncollege.cn FROM THE HEAD OF SIXTH FORM Higher Education days 21st June and 24th June On Friday 21st June and Monday 24th June all Year 12 pupils will be off timetable and working on their university applications with the Sixth Form team. This will give them the opportunity to get further specialist advice and support with their applications before the summer holidays. Deadlines come around quickly once we come back to school in August and it is important for them to come back as prepared as possible. FROM THE HEAD OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Shakespeare Workshops - Globe Theatre This week we welcome back the Globe theatre from England. It is a great privilege to have actors from the theatre working with our students. This year, Shakespeare week will see pupils from the Senior and Junior schools participating in a range of drama activities; some will be getting to know new plays, whilst others will be having some important exam focused workshops to develop a deeper understanding of Shakespearean language. Miss Chapman will also be providing a lunchtime and an evening dramatization of one of our exam texts, Macbeth, on Monday 24th at 1320hrs and Tuesday 25th June at 1800hrs. Pupils from across the College have been rehearsing hard in break and lunchtimes so please do come along and support their efforts. It promises to be a delight! FROM MRS TURDEICH, YEAR 6 Year 6 Leavers' Assembly 1400hrs – 1545hrs, Wednesday 19th June Year 6 have reached that time where they celebrate the end of their learning journey in the Junior School. They will be performing Roald Dahl's adaptation of Jack and the Beanstalk, followed by a formal presentation on Wednesday 19th June in the Seldon Theatre from 1400hrs. We look forward to seeing you there! FROM MRS MARKOVIC, DT DEPARTMENT The Tianjin Recycling / educational Challenge (TReC ) TreC Art Recycling Competition organized by the American Chamber of Commerce is always an opportunity for Wellington pupils to present their attitude and imagination. This year was no different – Wellington pupils won awards for Best 3-D Spatial Composition and Most Representative of TReC Principles. Environmental awareness, ‘solutions for no pollutions’ and the above all are the key points of the Creative Art Recycling ASA which I ran in both Junior and Senior School. Creative space without boundaries allows stretching young brains to unimaginable heights. The fact that imaginative use of rubbish (waste materials) following a given topic – Build your ‘zero-waste city’ – an opportunity that allowed them to meet the US ambassador in China and chat with him about their own work - was hard for anyone in Year 5. That important person, working as a representative of his country, was interested to hear more about Wellington students’ projects. Well done and congratulations to Barbora, Siah, Kaity and William from Year 5 for their inspirational work which was recognized by the TreC jury as well. Art Every Friday 8:30-11:00 MB125 Mrs Markovic ksenija.jakic@gmail.com Mandarin Every Tuesday 10:15-11:15 MB125 Mrs Yuan and Mrs Zhang yizhang001@foxmail.com EAL (lower level) Every Monday 8:30-9:30 MB231 Mr Findlay paul.findlay@wellingtoncollege.cn EAL (higher level) Every Friday 8:30-9:30 MB231 Mr Findlay paul.findlay@wellingtoncollege.cn Pilates Every Tuesday 8:45-10:00 Black Box Mrs Stofkova dstofkova@yahoo.com Pilates Every Friday 8:45-10:00 Black Box Mrs Stofkova dstofkova@yahoo.com Yoga Every Wednesday 8:45-10:00 Black Box Mrs Havlíková havlikann@gmail.com Yoga Every Thursday 10:45-12:00 Black Box Mrs Havlíková havlikann@gmail.com Glamour Handmade Course Every Wednesday 14:00-15:30 MB125 Mrs Chen kevingutongxuan@163.com Traditional Chinese Medicine Every Thursday 9:00-10:30 MB207 Mrs Markovic ksenija.jakic@gmail.com Notice: Any changes of time/date/venue please follow the notice according to the course organiser. UPCOMING EVENTS Monday 17 June 2019 All Day Nest: Transition week (DZ) (The Nest)   All Day World Sports' Week begins (to 21st) (RG)   All Day Art: Summer Exhibition (MFC) (Black Box Foyer)   All Day Week A   8:30AM - 9:30AM FOW EAL (Beginners) (PF) (MB 235)   3:05PM - 3:45PM Senior School Assembly (JMS) (Theatre)   Tuesday 18 June 2019 All Day Waterloo Day   8:45AM - 10:00AM FOW Pilates (ES) (Black Box)   10:15AM - 11:15AM FOW Mandarin Class (ES) (MB 125)   Wednesday 19 June 2019 All Day A Level Induction Year (2019 entry): Open Week (to 21st)   All Day Shakespeare Workshops - Globe Theatre (to 20th) (JA) (Theatre)   8:45AM - 10:00AM FOW Yoga (ES) (Black Box)   10:00AM - 11:00AM Nest Parents' Briefing: CPR Training (DZ) (Nest Library)   2:00PM - 3:45PM Year 6 Leavers' Assembly (RA) (Theatre)   Thursday 20 June 2019 9:00AM - 10:30AM FOW: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) (ES) (WCA Room)   9:00AM - 12:00PM FOW Reading Group (ES) (MB 125)   10:45AM - 12:00PM FOW: Yoga (ES) (Black Box)   Friday 21 June 2019 All Day Year 12 Higher Education Day (JMS) (Main Building)   8:30AM - 9:00AM Nest Assembly: Eaglets (DZ) (Theatre)   8:30AM - 9:30AM FOW EAL (Advanced) (PF) (MB 231)   8:30AM - 11:00AM FOW Art Class (KM) (MB 125)   8:45AM - 10:00AM FOW Pilates (ES) (Black Box)   6:00PM Summer Concert (FG) (Theatre)

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