The Week Ahead 6 June 2019
17 Jun 2019
Dear Parents
June often brings with it a rising sense of excitement and anticipation. Excitement as result of the imminence of the long summer holiday; anticipation from the subsequent step up in year group which must follow the break. For some, the latter can verge on trepidation, particularly if the new year marks a move from one key stage to the next, such as that of Year 1 to Year 2, or from Year 6 to the first rung of the Senior School in Year 7.
Most children embrace the change with equanimity, confident in the prospect and in their capacity to cope with new teachers and fresh surroundings. Others need a little more reassurance, and it is particularly for these pupils that we organise a series of transition events over the second half of the summer term. The key is to familiarise those moving up with the new classroom environment, the expectations of the teaching and the way in which the school day is organised. In this way, children can face the holidays and new academic year safe in the knowledge that they have the tools to cope with whatever the new class can throw at them. Whilst much has already been done to prepare pupils, next week sees the most important part of this process with the transition days. Pupils will spend time in their new rooms, meeting their teachers and Housemaster/mistresses and sampling lessons.
In many cases, parents can be even more anxious about the step up to a new year than their children. This is quite understandable, given that parents are, inevitably, one step removed from the pupil experience and this can lead to some uncertainty. To help allay these fears, Mr Ali and Mrs Popovic have both run parent briefings for those parents of children moving to the next key stage, but they are available for further consultation before the end of term if you have a particular concern about your child. Please make an appointment if you wish to meet with them via Agnes Cui
Parents can help the transition process over the coming weeks by some simple means:
- Talk to your child about the next stage and help to contextualise their thoughts. It is best however, to avoid projecting any of your own uncertainties in any such conversations. If you are in doubt about the process or the new expectations, come in and talk to me or my senior colleagues before the holiday.
- One of the most common challenges which children face when stepping up to a new key stage is that they find an expectation of increased independence and personal organisation. If your child is prone to erratic time management or is known to be poorly organised, please take some time over the summer to talk to them of the need to be more mindful of their work. It also helps to encourage them to do things like pack school bags for themselves, rather than having everything done for them, as this independence is a life skill they will need to nurture from an early age.
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