The Week Ahead 31 May 2019
10 Jun 2019
Dear parents
We have a special edition of the Week Ahead for you this week. In recognition of the great work done by our Friends of Wellington (FOW), we have dedicated this edition to a celebration of their work. Each FOW group has produced a short report on their activities over the year, so I very much hope you enjoy reading about their tireless work.
Our school is built on the firm foundations of strong school-home relationships, and as you will be well aware, my colleagues and I welcome open, regular interaction between us as a way of improving the educational provision for your children. I hope that you find this culture of trust means proactive, effective communication.
One key part of the relationship between home and school is the FOW. It offers our community of parents, and indeed others, the chance to meet socially and build the bonds of friendship which may be harder to achieve in a city of such size and diversity. The FOW, following on from its predecessor, the Wellington College Association, has meant that members of the community have had the chance to spend time enjoying fitness programmes through Pilates and yoga, but also more artistic and linguistic pursuits. Many of the parents I meet on a regular basis have benefitted from the free English lessons offered by our inestimable Head of EAL, Mr Findlay; others have developed a deeper respect and passion for their host country through TCM classes and Mandarin lessons. The school offers space and resources to the FOW, including the complimentary use of school buses whilst the pupils are in class, a room dedicated to meetings for the FOW fraternity, as well as rooms for the various classes.
Charitable giving is another key part of the FOW’s work, and contributions to school events such as Pink Day, the Summer Fair and various markets have all meant we have been able to increase our community’s support for local and international charities each year. By joining school events in this way, the FOW has shown their children that they share their commitment to helping others, and this is clearly a powerful message for young learners. As so often with our Tianjin community, we are all in it together, working towards a shared goal.
All parents are automatically members of the FOW, so if you are new to the school or you wish to get involved, please do not hesitate to contact us. The school’s coordinator is Lily Lian, who can be reached via her email: Lily does not lead individual FOW activities, but she can help by putting you in touch with one of our lead parents, or if you have a suggestion for a new FOW group, then she can assist with the start-up processes for that too.
All that is left to me now is to thank all those parents and members of the community who have contributed to the FOW’s successful start-up: your energy and commitment is so important in making a difference at Wellington. I hope that the current programmes, listed below, are ones you might look to support (or even lead) in the future, but whatever the result, I am sure the FOW has many great years ahead of it as our leading parents’ body in the school.
Best wishes
Julian Jeffrey
Meet the Master and Bursar
Duke of York’s Room
1400hrs-1515hrs, Thursday
6th June
This week, the Meet the Master and Bursar slot is aimed at parents of pupils in all year groups. If you would like to attend, please confirm via email with Ms. Emma Shi ( by Wednesday 5th June.
Next week is assessment week in both the Junior and Senior Schools. It is important that children get to school on time and have plenty of rest during the week. Sleep is essential for effective learning, so please make sure that you child is in bed in good time to get between 8-10 hours of sleep.
Parents' Briefing: Transition Days
Common Room
1000hrs, Wednesday
5th June
The Parent Briefing on Wednesday, 5th June in the Common Room (0900hrs) will provide information to Year 6 parents about the transition of their child from Junior to Senior School. The session will outline details about the curriculum, teaching and learning, and pastoral care in the Senior School, as well as more information about the two transition days and other activities planned for later this term.
The transition of Year 6 pupils has already started. Each week, on Friday afternoons, Year 6 pupils are visiting a Senior House rooms and are taking part in transition team building, wellbeing and information games. The sessions are delivered and planned by Mr Lewis and Mr Ali and are designed to ensure that the children moving to Senior School have all the essential information they need to make a smooth, happy and successful transition.
The expectations of the Senior School are set out very clearly every week for the children. To live the values, work hard, participate as much as possible, represent the House and ensure that we all live in a happy and safe community. The games they have played so far include:
- What are the behaviours of an outstanding pupil?
- What worries do you have?
- Where to get help in Senior School?
- Things that can get you into ‘trouble’ and how to avoid them.
- Feelings about school
- Perceived Learning Capability
- Learner Self Regard
- Preparedness for Learning
- Attitudes to Teachers
- General Work Ethic
- Confidence in Learning
- Attitudes to Attendance
- Response to Curriculum
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