Welcome back after the short holiday, and a particularly warm welcome to families joining Wellington for the first time this term. I hope that you and your children managed a good rest.
As you know, we had our Annual Review visit in the final week of last term, and as I reported in my Week Ahead piece, the results were very heartening. The report is in a different format to that of previous years, given that this was the shorter format Review in light of recent progress in the school. A school rated as ‘good or better’ at Annual Review automatically triggers a two-year cycle of short-form review visits, and this was the first of our two-year programme.
I will be sending out details of the review report at the end of this week, as well as presenting to parents in briefing on Wednesday 17th April (0930hrs-1030hrs, Common Room), so I will not use the invaluable space allocated to me in the Week Ahead to announce the specific results. Instead, I wanted to concentrate on a particular part of the report we wanted the review team to focus on, as it will play an increasingly significant part of our work in the coming 24 months - developing genuine independence in the pupil learning experience.
‘Independent’ learning covers a wide range of skills and practice in the classroom. It is often simpler to define what is not meant by the term. Effective independent learning is not simply a case of leaving children to find things out for themselves. This is more often than not the characteristic of lazy, directionless teaching masquerading as an opportunity for children to find things out for themselves. Learners need support and guidance from their teachers; the best lessons, where children are actively engaged in their own learning, involve scaffolded exercises and resources provided by teachers, with guidance, stretch and challenge to prompt new avenues of thought. In the process, developing independence means giving greater ownership of learning to the individual, and thus a greater stake in his or her own future progress.
As a school, we are determined to foster resilience in our pupils. The ability, confidence and experience of working independently, and the process of weaning a learner away from a mindset which encourages too much dependence on the views or influence of others, are invaluable life skills. Successful learners and adults need to be armed with such tools if they are to succeed in the world beyond Wellington. I think we already do many things that can help support independence – after all, pupils are expected to engage with their teachers in every lesson and activity, but this will not be a rushed process. It takes time to build these learning characteristics into children, and thus from our youngest to our most senior pupils, we will be developing strategies to help them along this journey to greater independence.
You will hear much more about this and other initiatives over the coming weeks and months, but in the meantime, if you do have any questions, please do let me know, or do come to one of the weekly Meet the Master sessions (Thursdays from 1400-1500hrs).
Best wishes
Julian Jeffrey
Duke of York’s Room
1400hrs-1515hrs, Thursday
18th April
This week, the Meet the Master slot is aimed at parents of pupils in Nest. If you would like to attend, please confirm via email with Ms. Emma Shi (emma.shi@wellingtoncollege.cn) by Wednesday 17th April.
19th-20th April 2019
China’s leading Festival of Education arrives back in Tianjin this year with a world-renowned line-up of speakers and presenters. Some of the leading thinkers and writers from China, the UK, US and Europe on education will come together for a two-day conference to discuss the future of education. There are sessions on the future of education, technology in education, university admissions processes, mindfulness and wellbeing, with both English and Chinese language presentations.
The event is aimed at parents, educational professionals, employers and all those interested in the way that thinking about the future of learning is being shaped across the world. It promises to be an exciting and informative couple of days. Details of the event are included in this Week Ahead.
Book your tickets now!
Common Room
0930hrs - 1030hrs, Wednesday
17th April
Every Wednesday morning, parents will have the chance to engage with the school in sessions that cover all aspects of your child’s education, from the Early Years to A Levels and university admissions. The venue will be Common Room, and for this week's meeting, Mr Julian Jeffrey, the Master, will report on the Annual Review feedback from the UK inspection team.
We will hold a food tasting session on Monday 15th April for the parent representatives of Nest to collect more feedback on the catering.
New swimming suits have arrived in the uniform shop. Parents who would like to exchange the older models, please come along and replace them.
Junior School Open Morning
Main Building
0830hrs-1100hrs, Thursday
18th April
The Junior School will be holding an Open Morning for our existing parents. You will be able to spend time in a variety of year group classrooms and observe guided reading, literacy and maths. You may choose to come in for all of the morning and see every year group, or a specific year group or class. Please confirm your attendance with Mrs Agnes Cui before 1600hrs, Tuesday, April 16th via email
agnes.cui@wellingtoncollege.cn, with your request. I look forward to seeing you all on the 18th.
Nest Open Morning
0900hrs-1200hrs, Wednesday
17th April
Nest parents are welcome to our Open Morning to explore the teaching and learning that is happening in the classrooms. This is a wonderful opportunity to see the children at work and discover our well-equipped classrooms and the resources we have to meet their needs. Parents who are interested should contact
hannah.wang@wellingtoncollege.cn before Monday 15th April, to register for the event. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity.
Coffee Morning
Coffee Shop
0930hrs-1030hrs, Wednesday
17th April
On every Wednesday of Week B, we hold university guidance coffee mornings in the coffee shop from 0930hrs - 1030hrs. All parents are welcome to come along to have a chat about any issues to do with university applications. Parents with children in all year groups are welcome to come along.
Year 12 University Guidance Session
From Monday 15th April
The second round of university guidance sessions will be starting again for all Year 12 pupils from Monday 15th April. There will be a sign-up sheet on Miss Luyi's door (217) for pupils to make an appointment for their one-to-one session. If you have a child currently in Year 12, please encourage them to sign up as soon as possible.
Spring Fashion Show
1500hrs-1600hrs, Monday
15th April
Anglesey pupils warmly invite their peers to our Spring Fashion Show on Monday April 15th. Our theme will showcase the wonders of blossom, flowers and all elements of new life and renewal that we welcome at this time of the year.
Pupils and teachers are welcome to wear their own creations to this fantastic event, with prizes for the best hand-made accessories or piece of clothing on show. We are pleased to say that our panel of judges will be made up of our esteemed Art and Design Technology teachers. House points will be given to all of our wonderful catwalk models.
We cannot wait to see you all there, dressed in your spring best.
Year 5 Residential Trip to Shanghai
16th – 19th April
Next week, the Year 5 children will be leaving for their residential trip to Shanghai. It is a chance for the children to meet their pen pals in Wellington College International Shanghai but also to experience extended time away from their family.
During the trip, the children will visit Yu Gardens, learning more about the local history. We will be visiting the Science and Technology museum as well as develop our understanding of how rivers are formed during a river cruise and visit to the Bund.
The children will collaborate with their pen pals in Shanghai, taking part in engineering challenges and finally, they will enjoy a day at Disneyland Shanghai.
This is an exciting trip for the Year 5 children and we look forward to sharing our experience with the community when we return.
Year 6 Trip to UK
19th – 27th April
We are delighted to be taking a group of Year 6 pupils on an exciting art and culture trip from the 19th-27th April. London is one of the most diverse and cosmopolitanism cities on the planet, and with the city’s history, it means there is something to learn around every corner. This trip will offer our pupils a valuable new perspective outside of the classroom and a chance to experience the sights, sounds, hustle and bustle of a major global city. We will also have the privilege of visiting our sister school, Wellington College in Berkshire, which undoubtedly will be a memorable experience.
Every Friday
Mrs Markovic
Reading Club
Every Thursday
Mrs Wang
Every Tuesday
Mrs Yuan and Mrs Zhang
EAL (lower level)
Every Monday
Mr Findlay
EAL (higher level)
Every Friday
Mr Findlay
Every Tuesday
Black Box
Mrs Stofkova
Every Friday
Black Box
Mrs Stofkova
Every Wednesday
Black Box
Mrs Havlíková
Every Thursday
Black Box
Mrs Havlíková
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Every Thursday
Mrs Markovic
Any changes please follow the notice according to the course organiser.
A new art and craft FOW course is starting soon: Glamour Handmade Course
MB125 (Junior School Art Room)
1400hrs-1530hrs, every Wednesday (From Apr 24th)
Hi, dear friends of Wellington. I am delighted to invite you to come to my Glamour Handmade Course and have fun together.
Topics like
handmade headwear & brooch, handmade vase, Japanese style flowers arrangement etc., are including in the course.
Handmade-material fees and registration fees will be charged. Depending on the different types of handmade materials and topics, the material fees will vary. All the registration fees charged will go to charities and be announced to all of the course attendees.
Please feel free to contact me at kevingutongxuan@163.com to consult or register.
Monday 15 April 2019
All Day
Week B
8:30AM - 9:30AM
FOW EAL (Beginners) (PF) (MB 235)
3:05PM - 3:45PM
Senior School Assembly (JMS) (Theatre)
4:00PM - 6:00PM
U-16 Boys Football vs TIS (h) (RG) (Sports Centre)
Senior School reports: Years 11-13 Teacher deadline (DP)
Tuesday 16 April 2019
All Day
Year 5 residential trip (RA)
8:45AM - 10:00AM
FOW Pilates (ES) (Black Box)
10:15AM - 11:15AM
FOW Mandarin Class (ES) (MB 125)
4:00PM - 6:00PM
MS Boys & Girls Basketball vs IST (a) (RG)
Senior School reports: Proofreading deadline (DP)
Wednesday 17 April 2019
All Day
GCSE Art Examination (to 18th) (MFC) (Main Building)
8:45AM - 10:00AM
FOW Yoga (ES) (Black Box)
9:30AM - 10:30AM
Parents' Briefing: Annual Review feedback (JAFJ) (Common Room)
9:00AM - 12:00PM
Nest: Open Morning for current parents (DZ) (The Nest)
3:05PM - 3:45PM
Junior School Assembly (RA) (Theatre)
4:00PM - 5:00PM
Staff CPD (JL)
Thursday 18 April 2019
8:30AM - 11:00AM
Junior School Open Morning (for current parents) (Main Building)
9:00AM - 10:30AM
FOW: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) (ES) (WCA Room)
9:00AM - 12:00PM
FOW Reading Group (ES) (MB 125)
10:45AM - 12:00PM
FOW: Yoga (ES) (Black Box)
1:00PM - 2:00PM
Health & Safety Committee meeting (VW) (Duke of York's room)
2:00PM - 3:15PM
Meet the Master: Nest parents (ES) (Duke of York's room)
Friday 19 April 2019
All Day
Year 6 trip to UK departs (to 27th) (RA)
All Day
Festival of Education (to 20th) (MS) (Main Building)
8:30AM - 9:00AM
Nest Assembly: Year 1 (DZ) (Theatre)
8:30AM - 9:30AM
FOW EAL (Advanced) (PF) (MB 231)
8:30AM - 11:00AM
FOW Art Class (KM) (MB 125)
8:45AM - 10:00AM
FOW Pilates (ES) (Black Box)
9:30AM - 11:30AM
Nest Open Morning (PR) (The Nest)