Week Ahead

The Week Ahead 2 November 2018

05 Nov 2018
Remembrance Have you forgotten yet?... For the world's events have rumbled on since those gagged days, Like traffic checked a while at the crossing of city ways: And the haunted gap in your mind has filled with thoughts that flow Like clouds in the lit heavens of life; and you're a man reprieved to go, Taking your peaceful share of Time, with joy to spare. But the past is just the same—and War's a bloody game... Have you forgotten yet?... Look down and swear by the slain of the War that you'll never forget. From Aftermath by Siegfried Sassoon The coming week brings with it the build-up to the annual observance of Remembrance Day. This is the name given to the one day in the year on which countries in across the world mark to ‘remember’ their dead of all the wars since 1914. In Britain, as well as Canada, South Africa, India, Australia and New Zealand, it is on the 11th November. This date was chosen as it was on the 11th November 1918 that the fighting of the First World War ended. At the moment the guns stopped firing – 11 o’clock in the morning on the 11th day of the 11th month - people from all over these countries stand in silence for two minutes to remember those who have given their lives for their countries. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the armistice, and with it the end of the fighting in the First World War. Wellington College suffered grievous losses in the wars of the 20th Century. In total, 725 old boys, teachers and school employees were killed between 1914-18, with a further 594 in the Second World War: if you were going to observe a minute’s silence for each of them, you would be mute for 22 hours. But remembrance is not just about Wellington, or Britain, or any individual nation; it is about all those who served and those they left behind. We use the opportunity to reflect on the individual sacrifices made by men and women across the conflicts of the past 100 years, but also to make a shared commitment to work towards a peaceful world. The verse from the poem at the head of this piece was written by a soldier and poet of the Great War, perhaps Britain’s most famous chronicler of the experience of warfare, Siegfried Sassoon. Initially enthusiastic about war, even being awarded a medal for his conspicuous gallantry in battle, Sassoon grew disillusioned by the horror of war and wrote more and more poetry attacking the belligerent mentality of politicians and commanders. He humanised the conflict in terms that those who had not experienced it first-hand could understand, and his determination to make sure the sacrifice of the ‘ordinary’ soldier was never forgotten, means his work is as relevant today as it was in 1918. In essence, his message is that his generation fought so that others would know better, as long as they remembered. This is what our school community will be marking this week; as ‘the world's events have rumbled on since those gagged days’, we work with our pupils to ensure that, even across a span of 100 years, time does not dim the message of the horror and futility of conflict. Through the work of the History department and others to raise awareness of remembrance, and to keep alive Sassoon’s message of never forgetting, our pupils can develop a more profound understanding of the need to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. In school, and across the world, the acts of remembrance this week are therefore not ones of triumph, nor a misguided glorification of militarism, but rather offer all of us time for individual reflection and the renewal of our shared commitment to peace between nations. Parents who wish to learn more about the school’s observance of remembrance are welcome to attend the special assembly on Monday at 1505hrs in the Theatre. The organisers ask that parents be seated towards the back of the auditorium by 1500hrs at the latest. Best wishes Julian Jeffrey MASTER LOCKDOWN DRILL 1100hrs-1200hrs Thursday 8th November Next Thursday between 1100hrs-1200hrs we will be holding a Lockdown Drill. All parents who are on campus during this time will be expected to observe the drill. Information is available in each classroom and from Reception. MEET THE MASTER AND BURSAR Duke of York Room 1400hrs-1515hrs Thursday 8th November This week, the Meet the Master and Bursar slot is aimed at parents of pupils in all year groups. If you would like to attend, please confirm via email with Ms. Emma Shi (emma.shi@wellingtoncollege.cn) by Wednesday 7th November. PARENTS’ BRIEFING THE WELLINGTON ACADEMY (parent choice session) Common Room 0900hrs-1015hrs Wednesday 7th November Every Wednesday morning from 0900hrs -1015hrs, parents will have the chance to engage with the school in sessions that cover all aspects of your child’s education, from the Early Years to A Levels and university admissions. The venue will vary according to the anticipated audience, and for this week’s meeting, Mr Eelco van Kuilenburg, our Academy Director, will be offering parents and the friends of the school community an opportunity to hear about the after school and Saturday programmes available and the plans for the coming year. FROM THE SERVICES’ SUPERVISOR  School Uniform The retail online uniform store opened last week, and an email notification was sent out to all parents. Please log on the system via the website at http://pc.halfrin.com/shop/login/login. If there are any questions during the process, please feel free to contact me at lisa.liu@wellingtoncollege.cn. The restocked supplies of uniform will be available in both the school’s uniform and online shops by the end of November. To ensure that there is sufficient stock for your child, you are advised to make your purchase through either channel as soon as possible. FROM THE DEPUTY HEAD (PASTORAL) Anti-Bullying Week Building a Positive Community You are all invited to participate in our Anti-bullying activity week from November 5th. Every child from Year 2 will be given an activity pack for the week. They will complete as many tasks as they can and hand in their completed pack at the end of the week. We sincerely hope that you get involved by asking to see your child’s pack, enjoying the tasks and maybe helping them to complete their tasks, if you can! There will be House Points on offer for the best completed submissions. As parents, this in-depth week of focus on anti-bullying gives you the chance to think about how you can support further our positive community. If you ever need help or support with an incident of bullying behaviour, please talk to your child’s teacher, Housemaster/mistress or even come straight to me. (jonathan.lewis@wellingtoncollege.cn) To get you ready for the week please read this: Make your words be full of nourishment, not poison.
  • Talk about another – if the hearer needs to know the information; the words are truthful; and the words are positive.
  • Controlling your mouth is the first step to controlling your mind.
  • Just as a runner trains for a marathon, we can train ourselves toward generosity of spirit by practising compassion in our daily lives.
FROM THE HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL Parents’ Evening: Years 8 and 10 Dining Hall 1700hrs-1830hrs Tuesday 6th November   Parents’ Evening: Years 12 and 13  Dining Hall 1700hrs-1830hrs Thursday 8th November There are two Parents' Evenings next week. Parents' Evening for parents of pupils in Years 8 and Year 10 will be on Tuesday 6th November and for Years 12 and 13 on Thursday 8th November. Both evenings run from 1700hrs to 1830hrs in the Dining Hall. Pupils should make appointments with their teachers in advance to ease the queues that can form at such events. Parents will have an opportunity to talk to their child's teachers about their performance this term. Parents are encouraged to bring the copy of the reports with them to the meetings. Members of the Senior Management team will be present to address any questions that parents might have. FROM THE HEAD OF THE JUNIOR SCHOOL Drama Workshops by British Drama and Arts Companies 5th November 2018 Junior School pupils are very lucky as they have not one, but two excellent UK-based drama companies, the White Horse Theatre (https://www.white-horse-theatre.eu/index.php/en/) and Round Midnight (http://www.roundmidnight.org.uk/) here in school to deliver a series of interactive workshops for them on Monday 5th November. The day promises to be interactive, engaging and inspirational, and will help our pupils to be even more confident and creative. FROM THE HEAD OF MATHEMATICS  The United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) Challenge Black Box 0900hrs-1030hrs Tuesday 6th November I am pleased to say our students will enter the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) Challenge for the first time on Tuesday 6th November. There are three competitions throughout the year, and the first is the Senior Challenge aimed at pupils in Years 12 and 13. Mathematics’ students from these two years and selected ones from Year 11 will take part. Questions are multiple choice and last year’s paper (and the answers!) can be found at https://www.ukmt.org.uk/individual-competitions/senior-challenge/archive/. Participants will need to bring a pencil and a rubber, but calculators and measuring equipment are not permitted. Certificates will be awarded to high performing candidates both within the school and globally. In addition, the organisers will invite around 1,000 of the very highest performers to take part in the British Mathematical Olympiad Round 1. *ADVANCE NOTICES* MEET THE MASTER  Duke of York Room 1400hrs-1515hrs Thursday 16th November This week, the Meet the Master slot is aimed at parents of pupils in Nest. If you would like to attend, please confirm via email with Ms. Emma Shi (emma.shi@wellingtoncollege.cn) by Wednesday 15th November.   FROM THE DIRECTOR OF MARKETING AND ADMISSIONS Charity Christmas Bazaar Dining Hall 1500hrs-1730hrs Friday 7th December Christmas is fast approaching, and I am delighted that once again we are hosting our annual charity Christmas Bazaar. The bazaar will be on Friday, December 7th (1500hrs-1730hrs). The theme is the ‘Season of Giving’, to tie in with the broader messages of the Christmas season. Proceeds from the Bazaar will go to those charity organizations we have been supporting across the school, including the Rui Hui Autism Centre here in Tianjin. If any parents or friends from the Wellington community would like to be involved in organising a stall or offering any other support for the event, please contact Ms. Nina Li (nina.lee@wellingtoncollege.cn) in the Marketing department.

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