The Week Ahead 28 September 2018
08 Oct 2018
Dear Parents
I have been enjoying the regular updates from our sister school in Shanghai over the past week or so. The international school has been focusing on kindness as part of its programme of fostering the Wellington values across the community, and I have been particularly struck by the references to what one of the authors described as random acts of kindness (‘RAK’). Kindness in all its forms is to be celebrated, of course, but I am always most impressed by those that are ‘random’; those selfless acts, often in and of themselves not particularly onerous, but hugely significant as a reflection of an individual’s preparedness to act on an instinct that something needs to be done. A value, in other words, that goes beyond the mere word and becomes a living embodiment of what it means to grow up a Wellingtonian.
We have not had a specific week on kindness in Tianjin, but I have seen some wonderful, communal examples of selflessness that contribute so much to building our community. Middle School footballers consoling one another after their narrow defeat in the ISCOT football tournament final; the dozens of pupils who raised thousands of RMB for the Jian Hua orphanage with sponsorship for their sleepover; the Senior School volunteers who help to support Junior School pupils at playtimes, for no reward save that of having helped a fellow Wellingtonian feel more at home in a new school; and to those members of staff – non-academic and academic – who give freely of their time to help our pupils, their families and one another in their everyday interactions.
In these ways, with acts of kindness that are freely given and without thought of reward in return, the strength of the school’s commitment to making the lives of all those in the Wellington family better is evident. As pupils and staff head off for a well-deserved break next week, it is worth reflecting on the growing sense of service that pervades the school. Kindness comes in many forms, happily, and I am pleased to note that it is alive and well across our schools in China.
I wish you all a very happy holiday.
Julian Jeffrey
Duke of York Room
Thursday 11th October
This week, the Meet the Master slot is aimed at parents of pupils in the Nest. Mr Ali, Mrs Zantua and Ms Li will be there to answer your questions and provide information about future events in the Nest. If you would like to attend, please confirm via email with Ms. Emma Shi ( by Wednesday 10th October.
Chinese Debating Competition
Saturday 20th October
The annual Chinese Debating Competition for International schools will be held on 20th October in Beijing. Pupils from Year 11 Induction year will represent our school in this grand competition. Students will be practising debating techniques during ASA time, led by Ms Melody Yuan, who is a professional debate trainer. Last year we got a prize for Excellent teamwork. We hope our pupils will be back with more great results this time!
Positive Community Week
8th -13th October
A positive person can be the difference in a community. They participate, reflect on the consequences of their behaviour, show resilience and display emotional control, and build strong relationships. They promote positivity in themselves and in those around them.
During Positive Community Week we are looking to encourage all of our community to “stop, think, appreciate and communicate.”
A positive community is one in which all are respected and appreciated. We are looking for pupils to tell each other the qualities and values they appreciate and recognize in each other. Other examples will be for pupils to tell their teachers and vice versa, for pupils to tell their parents and for parents to tell us what you appreciate about our school. The week is aimed at promoting positive communication and reflection for us all and make it a part of our daily lives.
CAT4 Test
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT4) is a baseline assessment that is designed to help pupils and their teachers understand how they learn and what their academic potential might be. Every pupil from Year 3 will take this assessment at the beginning of a new Key Stage or when they join the College. CAT4 assesses how pupils think in four different areas: shapes and patterns (Non-Verbal Reasoning), words (Verbal Reasoning), numbers (Quantitative Reasoning) and some questions are answered by mentally transforming visual images (Spatial Ability). Results help teachers decide about the pace of learning that is right for each individual pupil and whether additional support or challenge is needed. CAT4 is based on years of research and development. The current edition took five years to develop and has seen the involvement of 25,000 pupils across the UK. It is a well-known assessment in schools; teachers value its ability to provide an understanding of what a child is capable of rather than defining them by their understanding of a body of knowledge in particular subjects.
All pupils in Years 7, 10, 12 and Year 11 (A Level Induction Year) took the CAT4 test this academic year, and the hard copy of the results will be sent home on Monday 8th October. Results of the CAT4 test for pupils in other year groups will be provided on demand. Please contact Ms Cissy Zhao ( if you would like to receive a copy.
Parents' Briefing: Online Learning and Strategies
Common Room
Wednesday 10th October
Every Wednesday morning from 0900hrs, parents will have the chance to engage with the school in sessions that cover all aspects of your child’s education, from the Early Years to A Levels and university admissions. The venue will vary according to the anticipated audience, and for next week’s meeting, Mr Raja Ali will be delivering a Parents’ Briefing session on online learning and strategies to support independent learning, following requests from Junior School parents. This will be followed by a Junior School open morning.
Junior School Leadership Assembly
Wednesday 10th October
The Junior School will be holding a special assembly to recognise student leaders, who are supporting the school in various positions of responsibility. Pupils in line for formal recognition include the head boy and girl and their deputies, heads and deputies of each of the Houses, sports’ managers and members of the student council. To wish to, and be selected for a position of responsibility, is a very important aspect of character development, and showcases the fact that these pupils are embodiment of the values and identities of Wellington College, as well as role models for their peers and the younger pupils.
Nest Parents' Evening: Baselines
Tuesday and Thursday
9th and 11th October
An ongoing communication between home and school is key to supporting children's academic success. Parents of Early Years’ pupils (Eaglets, Nursery and Reception) will have an opportunity to meet with their classroom teachers on Tuesday 9th October and Thursday 11th October after school. Teachers will report on your child's progress since the beginning of the academic year, highlighting strengths and next steps for areas of development. Please notify your child's teacher to arrange an alternate meeting time if you are unable to attend.
Christmas Concert Costumes
We would like the children to be dressed in a Victorian costume as part of the Junior School Christmas production which will involve all students in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The theme is based on ‘A Christmas Carol,’ a story set in Victorian England by the author Charles Dickens.
We feel the costumes will add to the atmosphere and enjoyment of the occasion. Some costumes will be provided for key characters in Years 5 and 6 and children will be informed of their specific parts by Friday October 12th.
We are giving out this information as early as possible, to allow families to prepare their costume. Thank you so much for your invaluable help in this matter.
Year 10 and Year 11 AL Induction
Group Science Trip
Tuesday 9th October
To encourage our pupils to develop a broader understanding of the science concepts the science department is organizing a trip for pupils in Year 10 and Year 11 (AL Induction) to visit the Beijing Natural History museum on Tuesday October 9th. The museum is engaged in specimen collection, scientific research and the popularization of science in the fields of Paleontology, Zoology, Botany, Anthropology and others. More than a hundred thousand artifacts, fossils and specimens are reserved in Beijing Museum of Natural History, and the number of complete large ancient mammal fossils ranks it the second in the world. More details have sent out through a parent letter.
Years 7-9 Korean Culture Centre trip
Thursday 11th October
On Thursday 11th October, 36 international pupils of KS3 will go to experience part of Korean culture at the Korean Cultural Centre in Beijing. Pupils will leave school 0830hrs, immediately after the registration, and return to Tianjin around 1700hrs. Every participant is asked to bring his or her passport and a packed lunch. Any change of arrival time due to traffic will be communicated to parents through children en route.
Year 12 Art Trip to Beijing
Thursday 11th October
Year 12 Art pupils will be going on the annual museum and gallery trip to Beijing on 11th October. Destinations include the National Museum of China and the 798 art district where the group will visit the current Xu Bing retrospective exhibition. Xu Bing is one of the most respected of contemporary Chinese artists living and working today, so it promises to be a real treat for our young artists. Mr Batey will be accompanying the trip and the first meeting point of the day will be 0730hrs outside the front (plaza) entrance of Tianjin Main train station. Pupils are reminded to wear smart casual clothing and be on time!
Friday 12th October
Once again pupils and staff here at Wellington will celebrate Pink Day. We would like to invite our pupils to show their support for the Tianjin Cancer Hospital’s Prevention Centre by wearing an item of pink clothing on Friday October 12th and donate 10RMB per item of pinkness.
All funds raised across the ISCOT schools will be donated to the TICC's charity campaign – a hugely worthy cause.
I would also like to remind all parents and friends of our community that they can join a Wellington table at the Pink Ribbon Ball, a wonderful event with good food, dancing and a superb charity auction. Please contact Maja Rogic ( for more information if you are interested.
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