The Week Ahead 22 June 2018
22 Aug 2018
Uniform Online Shop
The uniform online shop officially went live on 19th June 2018. The website is
The activation code has been sent to each parent by email. You can register your own account with the activation code provided. For some families who have more than one child in the school, you might receive several activation codes. You can just use one code to register your account for purchasing the uniforms for all your children.
The list of updated compulsory uniforms information has been sent out through email. The guideline for the online shop will be sent to you later.
If you have any questions about the uniform online shop, please contact Ms. Lisa Liu
End of Summer Term
The final set of reports in the Senior School will be published on the Parent Portal on Friday 29th June at 1700hrs. The full written reports for pupils in the Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and Year 11 Induction year will include the results from the internal assessments held at the beginning of June.
The final assembly of the year will provide us with an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of pupils in the Senior School. This prize giving assembly will take place in the Seldon Theatre on Friday 29th June from 1330hrs. Parents of prize winners have been notified by email. We are also going to say our farewells to the pupils and teachers who are leaving Wellington.
Science Fair
Black Box
Tuesday 26th June
Year 9, 10 and Year 11 Induction year pupils are working hard on the finishing touches for over 20 engineering projects, experiments and models.
Fascinating discoveries have already been made and we are looking forward to seeing what our pupils find and invent in the final few days. Some of this year’s highlights include teams who are constructing and testing prototype aquaponics systems, applying their chemistry skills to make perfumed soap, and even making a model explaining cutting-edge and potentially lifesaving gene editing technology CRISPR. Our young scientists are excited to invite you to school on the 26th June to see what they have achieved.
End of Year Concert: Fauré's Requiem
Seldon Theatre
1900hrs - 2000hrs,
Wednesday 27th June
On Wednesday 27th June, we have our final concert of the year. The College Choirs will be performing Fauré's Requiem; a deeply felt masterpiece, sung entirely in Latin.
Fauré was a highly original composer whose work illustrated the process of transition from the 19th to 20th centuries. It is possible to see the influence of 19th century greats such as Chopin, Liszt and Saint-Saëns.
As well as this vocal work, the Wellington orchestra will be performing some exciting and well-known classics such as Copland’s Hoe-Down, and the grand finale from Stravinsky's Firebird.
We hope that this final concert of the year will be a unique and exciting musical experience for our Wellington community. We look forward to seeing many of you there.
Parent CPD Library
Parents are warmly welcome to visit the College library and take an opportunity to explore our resources. We are building a special library section, where parents can find a variety of books about parenting and child development. The titles cover a wide variety of topics and have been selected to support and guide parents, to help them answer questions, find advice and solutions; and to be proactive with children's physical and behavioural health, social life, academics achievements and all-around well-being.
We are offering books in English, Chinese and Korean.
Transition Days
What a pleasure it was to be joined by our future bright and lively Year 7 pupils. I think we relished having them in our lessons as much as they enjoyed joining us in the Senior School.
It was truly wonderful to see so many of our pupils making the very best of this unique opportunity. Pupils have now had a chance to get a flavour of many new lessons, as well as have an opportunity to ask a number of those niggling questions about their futures with us at the College.
Best of all, it was all topped off with a superb showcase of the work and skills of our KS3 and Year 6 pupils in the Mandarin Culture showcase. Mr. Lewis and the Mandarin department were rightfully brimming with pride at the array of talent on show during period 5 on Thursday, a perfect way to finish a year of Mandarin Culture and initiate our newest Senior School members.
We have been incredibly proud of the work done this year by teachers and pupils in helping our new Year 7s settle as quickly as possible into their new surroundings. However, we are always looking to improve – I would welcome your comments or suggestions in making next year even better. The goal, as always, is to support our pupils and parents through any large shifts or changes, so we would very much like to hear your views.
The task isn’t quite over yet, I have made the following three suggestions to Year 6s to help them make a positive a purposeful start in August:
- Read an English book, magazine, article for at least 20 minutes every day over the summer period
- Write for 15-20 minutes every day. This could be a diary or a piece of creative writing
- Practise conversating in English. This could be with a friend over Wechat messages or a family member.
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