The Week Ahead 25 May 2018
22 Aug 2018
Common Room
Thursday 31st May
This week, the Meet the Master slot is aimed at parents of pupils in Years 12 and 13. If you would like to attend, please confirm via email with Ms. Emma Shi by Wednesday 30th May. Mrs Popovic and Mrs Sabio will host the session in Common Room. Do come along if you have any questions about the developments for next year, university admissions or indeed, any matter of concerns over these year groups.
Emma Shi:
Common Room
Thursday 7th June
Next week, we are offering our second combination of the Meet the Master and the Meet the Bursar. It is aimed at parents of pupils in all year groups. If you would like to attend, please confirm via email with Ms. Emma Shi by Wednesday 6th June.
Emma Shi:
Black Box
Wednesday 6th June
Every Wednesday morning from 0900hrs, parents will have the chance to engage with the school in sessions that cover all aspects of your child’s education, from the Early Years to A Levels and university admissions. The venue will vary according to the anticipated audience, and for next week’s meeting, Mr Simon Ruscoe-Price, Wellington College China Director of Language, who will discuss language acquisition in young children. This is an informative session and will give an introduction on how children develop, process and become fluent in a language in the Early Years and beyond.
Children’s Day Celebrations in the Nest
Friday 1st June
The Nest will celebrate Children’s Day on Friday, 1st June. The day will start with an assembly and followed by various activities in the Nest. This is to celebrate each child’s unique strengths as well as promote our commitment and respect for our children. Nest Children can come in their favourite clothes on this day.
Nest Stay and Play
Friday 1st June
Stay and Play is a wonderful opportunity for children who will begin their journey in the Early Years in August 2018, to experience life in the class. New parents will also have a chance to attend a briefing on how to support their children as they transition to school life at Wellington.
Senior School ASA
ASA in the Senior School will not run from May 31st to June 7th due to assessment week. Students will resume their ASA on June 11th.
Learning Without Walls
Friday 8th June
We are looking forward to welcoming Year 6 pupils to join with our KS3 students in Senior School for this year’s exciting cross curricular challenge.
Entitled 24 hours Around the World, this challenge will draw on students’ ability to research, work as a team, calculate time and time zones, gain a greater understanding of the world and learn new facts about unknown countries along the way.
Bring your Mum to School Day
Thank you to our Year 8 mums for joining us for the day last Thursday. It was wonderful to meet our largest group of mums yet and to see them so interested and engaged in the school and lessons. We are incredibly proud of the work we do with our pupils here at Wellington College, and it was a real pleasure for all teachers to be able to share with you the wonderful work your children do.
Our PE department were delighted to have so many of you so willing to participate in a mum’s relay race!
We look forward to welcoming Year 7 fathers again in October.
WCA Room
Monday 4th June
The scouting movement is a long-established network of children and educators who seek to know more about the world around them to challenge themselves and to learn to work collaboratively with one another. The aim is to develop a young person’s independence and resilience as well as offer service to others. We have the opportunity to hear more about the chance to join a local scout group here in Wellington next week. Current parent Mr Michael Hart will be giving parents an insight into the opportunities available for young people to become engaged with the scouts. Please join us for an informal meeting in the WCA room at 1400hrs on Monday 4th June. Refreshments will be available. For further details, including those on the current membership requirements for the scouts, please contact Ms Emma Shi.
Emma Shi:
Reading Group (Language in Chinese)
0900hrs - 1200hrs
Welcome to Reading & Sharing Class! This event was inspired by some of the Year 6 mums who felt that they would like to create a chance to exchange ideas on topics other than kids and the school’s daily routine.
Here is what we will do: reading books over two or three weeks, then sharing ideas and listening to each other in two or three hours. Let’s make this Reading Group a special moment only for yourself as well as for the book you like. Please feel free to contact me at
Positive Parenting Class (Language in Chinese)
0930hrs - 1130hrs
every Monday
Charges: 30RMB/time
Positive Discipline is a programme designed to teach young people to become responsible, respectful and resourceful members of their communities. Based on the best-selling positive discipline book by Dr Jane Nelsen, it teaches important social and life skills in a manner that is deeply respectful and encouraging for both children and adults.
Parents will learn to avoid power struggles while helping their children to learn self-control and self-discipline. Classes are in a small group setting, allowing deeper discussions and very personalized experience.
Art Class
Junior Art Room
0830hrs - 1100hrs
every Friday
Dear Art lovers, who enjoys art more than those who understand it and feel it deeply with their heart? Perhaps mum, nature and God can do something for the heart, but I can certainly help with knowledge and understanding. Although, every new piece of knowledge and skill give your heart a new dimension. Come and unveil all the possible secrets in textile art. We tried Batik and will continue to explore textile painting and dying, conquering freedom by every little step we make. Be the part of our Art family that celebrates having an eye for Art every Friday.
Wellington Summer Fair will host the CREATIVE ART RECYCLING ACTIVITY which will give every single visitor an opportunity to participate in the group project called: WE ARE WELLINGTON. Bring whatever you would like to recycle through the Art Project we make and enjoy the happy awareness that we are doing something good for our environment. See you on Saturday, don't forget to bring your good mood as well!
Lower Level EAL Class
MB 235
0830hrs - 0930hrs
every Tuesday
This class is for beginner level learners who would like to improve their grammar, vocabulary and all-round language skills.
Higher Level EAL Class
MB 231
1100hrs - 1200hrs
every Thursday
This class is for more confident learners who would like to extend their grammar and vocabulary and will have a focus on improving spoken fluency.
1000hrs - 1100hrs
every Tuesday
We are holding a Mandarin practice group to help foreign parents living in China. We will use different scenarios to help you speak in different situations. We will also explore local customs and practices. We welcome those who have some experience in PinYin.
Dance Studio
0900hrs - 1000hrs
every Tuesday
0930hrs - 1030hrs
every Friday
Pilates is physical exercise system developed by Joseph Pilates. It is complete coordination of body, mind and spirit. Pilates focuses on core strength and balanced muscle development as well as flexibility and increased range of motion for the joints. So, don't hesitate, join our classes and feel better. You are warmly welcomed.
Dance Studio
0900hrs - 1000hrs
every Wednesday
Welcome to our yoga classes at Wellington College. Yoga philosophy and practice has its origin in India. The word Yoga comes from the word “yuj”, which means "to yoke", to unite your body and mind. Regular yoga practice helps your body to become strong, flexible, balanced and healthy. The same will happen with your mind. Yoga has become very popular all around the world for its healing benefits. Doesn’t matter if you are new to yoga or regular practitioner, everyone is welcome.
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