Week Ahead

The Week Ahead 18 May 2018

22 Aug 2018
MEET THE MASTER Common Room 1400hrs - 1515hrs Thursday 24th May This week, the Meet the Master slot is aimed at parents of pupils in Years 7 to 11. If you would like to attend, please confirm via email with Ms. Emma Shi by Wednesday 23rd May. Address: emma.shi@wellingtoncollege.cn SUMMER FAIR Saturday 19th May Our annual celebration of summer is next weekend. The forecast is set fair and the range of activities for children of all ages has never been greater. 45 musical acts, all drawn from the Wellington community, will perform on our stage during the Fair and we have some wonderful prizes to be won in the raffle draw. Pupils, staff and parents have worked very hard to make the day a real highlight of the year for the school, so please do come and share in the fun by buying your tickets in advance. Our theme this year is respect for the environment and as part of our commitment to keeping Tianjin green, we are only issuing tickets online and they will not be available for purchase on the day. Please scan the QR code on the poster in the Week Ahead to buy your tickets. Each ticket comes with a chance to win one of our fantastic raffle prizes. Important Notice As a result of some heightened security requirements at major public events in the city, we have been asked by the authorities to check all identification on entry to the school on 19th May. This means that, for all members of the Wellington community, you will need to bring your College id card with you. If you do not have one, please bring along your passport or identity card. Children needn’t bring identification. On that day, we will check in from 10:30 a.m at the school gate of Nanyunhe S Road. We apologise for the inconvenience, but safety is obviously our shared goal for all our community and visitors. No ASA on Tuesday It’s a week of sports days, with the Nest Sports’ Day on Monday and Junior School Sports’ Day taking place on Tuesday. It will be a fun packed day where every child will take part in the activities, which will end with awards and trophies. As a result, Junior School ASAs will not be taking place on Tuesday. Seldon Theatre Friday 25th 0840hrs On Friday, Year 6 will be having a special Assembly, and we welcome all Year 6 parents. Parents’ Evening: Years 7 and 10 Dining Hall 1700hrs - 1830hrs Tuesday 22nd May Parents' Evening for the parents of the pupils in Years 7 and 10 will be held on Tuesday, 22nd May from 1700hrs to 1830hrs, in the Dining Hall. Pupils should make appointments with their teachers in advance to ease the queues that can form at such events. Parents will have an opportunity to talk to their child's teachers about their performance in class. Members of the Senior Management team will be present to address any questions that parents might have. The Nest Sports’ Day:  Nursery to Year 2 0900hrs - 1030hrs Monday 21st May The annual Nest Sports’ Day will be on Monday 21st May for children from Nursery to Year 2. Children are requested to come in their Wellington PE uniform and trainers as they will participate in a wide array of team exercises and physical activities to showcase their talent in sports. Parents are invited to cheer on from 0900hrs to 1030hrs in the Sports’ Hall. Medals will be awarded as well as an ice cream treat for a job well done! Junior School Sports’ Day:  Years 3 to 6 0900hrs - 1515hrs Tuesday 22nd May Junior School Sports' Day for Years 3-6 will be held on Tuesday 22nd May. The event will run from 0900hrs to 1515hrs, with break time and lunchtime in between. Competitive events will be held in the morning, whilst the fun events will take place after lunch. You are welcome to come along and support your child, but please stay in the designated parents’ area in front of the arches. May I remind all parents to please send your child to school in full PE kit and trainers, which will be worn all day along with their hat, sunscreen and water bottle. Senior School Sports’ Day:  Years 7 to 13 0830hrs - 1530hrs, Wednesday 23rd May Senior School Sports’ Day will be held on Wednesday 23rd May from 0830hrs to 1530hrs. Pupils from Years 7 to 13 will be taking part in a wide range of athletics events to show off their talents and earn points for their Houses. Parents are invited to come and watch the afternoon events from 1330hrs to 1530hrs on the school sports’ field and athletics’ track. If you have any questions, please email me on and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Address: richard.gater@wellingtoncollege.cn Reading Group (Language in Chinese) MB125 0900hrs - 1200hrs Thursday Welcome to Reading & Sharing Class! This event was inspired by some of the Year 6 mums who felt that they would like to create a chance to exchange ideas on topics other than kids and the school’s daily routine. Here is what we will do: reading books over two or three weeks, then sharing ideas and listening to each other in two or three hours. Let’s make this Reading Group a special moment only for yourself as well as for the book you like. Please feel free to contact me at 712205@qq.com. Positive Parenting Class (Language in Chinese) MB125 0930hrs - 1130hrs every Monday Charges: 30RMB/time  Positive Discipline is a programme designed to teach young people to become responsible, respectful and resourceful members of their communities. Based on the best-selling positive discipline book by Dr Jane Nelsen, it teaches important social and life skills in a manner that is deeply respectful and encouraging for both children and adults. Parents will learn to avoid power struggles while helping their children to learn self-control and self-discipline. Classes are in a small group setting, allowing deeper discussions and very personalized experience. www.positivediscipline.com Art Class Junior Art Room 0830hrs - 1100hrs every Friday Dear Art lovers, who enjoys art more than those who understand it and feel it deeply with their heart? Perhaps mum, nature and God can do something for the heart, but I can certainly help with knowledge and understanding. Although, every new piece of knowledge and skill give your heart a new dimension. Come and unveil all the possible secrets in textile art. We tried Batik and will continue to explore textile painting and dying, conquering freedom by every little step we make. Be the part of our Art family that celebrates having an eye for Art every Friday. Wellington Summer Fair will host the CREATIVE ART RECYCLING ACTIVITY which will give every single visitor an opportunity to participate in the group project called: WE ARE WELLINGTON. Bring whatever you would like to recycle through the Art Project we make and enjoy the happy awareness that we are doing something good for our environment. See you on Saturday, don't forget to bring your good mood as well! Lower Level EAL Class MB 235 0830hrs - 0930hrs every Tuesday  This class is for beginner level learners who would like to improve their grammar, vocabulary and all-round language skills. Higher Level EAL Class MB 231 1100hrs - 1200hrs every Thursday This class is for more confident learners who would like to extend their grammar and vocabulary and will have a focus on improving spoken fluency. MB125 1000hrs - 1100hrs every Tuesday Mandarin We are holding a Mandarin practice group to help foreign parents living in China. We will use different scenarios to help you speak in different situations. We will also explore local customs and practices. We welcome those who have some experience in PinYin. Pilates Dance Studio 0900hrs - 1000hrs every Tuesday 0930hrs - 1030hrs every Friday  Pilates is physical exercise system developed by Joseph Pilates. It is complete coordination of body, mind and spirit. Pilates focuses on core strength and balanced muscle development as well as flexibility and increased range of motion for the joints. So, don't hesitate, join our classes and feel better. You are warmly welcomed. Yoga Dance Studio 0900hrs - 1000hrs every Wednesday Welcome to our yoga classes at Wellington College. Yoga philosophy and practice has its origin in India. The word Yoga comes from the word “yuj”, which means "to yoke", to unite your body and mind. Regular yoga practice helps your body to become strong, flexible, balanced and healthy. The same will happen with your mind. Yoga has become very popular all around the world for its healing benefits. Doesn’t matter if you are new to yoga or regular practitioner, everyone is welcome.

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