Week Ahead

The Week Ahead 20 April 2018

22 Aug 2018
MEET THE MASTER AND BURSAR Common Room 1400hrs-1515hrs Thursday 26th April This week, we are offering our first of a monthly series of sessions to combine the Meet the Master slot with that of the Meet the Bursar. It is therefore aimed at parents of pupils in all year groups. If you would like to attend, please confirm via email with Ms. Emma Shi (emma.shi@wellingtoncollege.cn) by Wednesday 25th April. Graduation Theatre 1800hrs-2100hrs Wednesday 25th April Our annual Graduation ceremony for pupils in Year 13 will be at 1800hrs on Wednesday 25th April 2018 in the Seldon Theatre. The graduating class of IB Diploma and A Level pupils has given so much to the College that this will be a fitting way to recognise their contribution to Wellington, as well as launch the leavers into the next stage of their lives with a rousing communal celebration of their achievements. Our leavers will receive the acclaim of their peers and the teaching body, united in their desire to see the best of Wellington feted for their hard work, inspirational pupil leadership and jaw-dropping talent. The ceremony also allows us to highlight the achievements of individuals; with speeches from their Housemaster or Housemistress ringing in their ears, each leaver will be presented with a commemorative scroll by the Master and our Guest of Honour for the evening. We are delighted to welcome Mr Jean-Paul Churchouse OW, Executive Director of Goldman Sachs Hong Kong as our Guest of Honour this year. Our Guest of Honour will then give a short speech, focused largely on the enviable opportunities that await our graduates as they move from school into the world of work or further education. Finally, in a fitting tribute to their peers, our Head and Deputy Head of College will give a speech reflecting on their time at Wellington and offering some thoughts for those who follow in their footsteps. There will be musical interludes performed by the Year 13 pupils throughout the ceremony. The formal events are then concluded and a buffet for parents, friends and supporters of the graduating class of 2018 will finish off the evening with the catering provided by our friends at the St Regis hotel. For those of you who would like to meet our Guest of Honour, there will be a short Q and A session before the ceremony from 1700hrs-1730hrs. Please sign up for this session by emailing agnes.cui@wellingtoncollege.cn as soon as possible. The venue will be confirmed depending on numbers. Career Planning Workshop: Years 11 and 12 Black Box 1700hrs-1800hrs, Tuesday 24th April Every child is special and unique. As parents, we often ask ourselves how to help our children find their objectives and interests and how to develop intrinsic motivation. Ms Jie Jiang, a career planning counsellor certificated by the national Ministry of Personnel, will answer your questions on Tuesday from 1700hrs to 1800hrs in the Black Box. Years 11 (A Level stream) and 12 pupils are required to attend and parents of children of all ages are welcome to attend. Guests from outside College are also welcome to the event. The lecture covers topics including:
  • What is the career planning?
  • How to discover your child’s interests and qualities?
  • What if my child doesn’t have any hobbies?
  • The key stages of career planning
  • How to know more about university majors and the impact on industries beyond school?
  • Nine pathways from your hobbies to university majors and resources of summer programmes
  • How to choose the right course for your child
Junior School Parents' Evening: All Year groups 1545hrs-1830hrs, Tuesday and Thursday 24th and 26th April There will be no ASA in the Junior School on Tuesday 24th and Thursday 26th April due to the Junior School Parents’ Evenings. Please arrange the collection of your children at 1520hrs or expect them on the early bus if they normally travel by school buses. There will be no afterschool-care provided, so it is vital that they are collected at the end of the school day in case of any safety issues. Reading Group MB125 0900hrs-1200hrs every Thursday Welcome to Reading & Sharing Class! This event was inspired by some of the Year 6 mums who felt that they would like to create a chance to exchange ideas on topics other than kids and the school’s daily routine. Here is what we will do: reading books over two or three weeks, then sharing ideas and listening to each other in two or three hours. Let’s make this Reading Group a special moment only for yourself as well as for the book you like. Please feel free to contact me at 712205@qq.com. Positive Parenting Class (Language in Chinese) MB125 9:30hrs-11:30hrs, every Monday Charges: 30RMB/time  Positive Discipline is a programme designed to teach young people to become responsible, respectful and resourceful members of their communities. Based on the best-selling positive discipline book by Dr Jane Nelsen, it teaches important social and life skills in a manner that is deeply respectful and encouraging for both children and adults. Parents will learn to avoid power struggles while helping their children to learn self-control and self-discipline. Classes are in a small group setting, allowing deeper discussions and very personalized experience. www.positivediscipline.com Art Class Junior Art Room 0830hrs-1100hrs every Friday  After a long week of taking care of your beloved children it's time to think of yourself as well. A little oasis from everyday noise, ART classes can give you much needed relaxation. An excellent way to cope with your everyday stress routine, and to prepare yourself for the upcoming busy weekend. Painting, sculpture, drawing, acrylics, aquarelle, crayons won't be a mystery to you anymore. All the things you always wanted to try but didn't have time for, now in the most convenient time and place for you - when your kids are at school. Each month we will be focusing on something new that you might like to try. Expressing yourself in an artistic way combined with relaxing, inspiring music and a glass of tea or coffee can help you find your new daily joy. Come and join ART classes every Friday as soon as you leave your little one(s) in school. JUNIOR ART ROOM will be open for you from 0830hrs to 1100hrs to learn some new skills, chat with friends, and share your love of art. Looking forward to seeing you in the Junior Art Room. Lower Level EAL Class MB 235 0830hrs-0930hrs, every Tuesday  This class is for beginner level learners who would like to improve their grammar, vocabulary and all-round language skills. Higher Level EAL Class MB 231 1100hrs-1200hrs, every Thursday  This class is for more confident learners who would like to extend their grammar and vocabulary and will have a focus on improving spoken fluency. Pilates Dance Studio 0900hrs-1000hrs every Tuesday 0930hrs-1030hrs, every Friday Pilates is physical exercise system developed by Joseph Pilates. It is complete coordination of body, mind and spirit. Pilates focuses on core strength and balanced muscle development as well as flexibility and increased range of motion for the joints. So, don't hesitate, join our classes and feel better. You are warmly welcomed.    

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