Week Ahead

The Week Ahead 14 September 2017

15 Sep 2017

Dear Parents I have been enjoying watching the first fixtures of the new academic year this week. Our new artificial sports’ pitch has already seen a number of exciting matches and the basketball and volleyball training sessions, played on the freshly relaid gym floor, have suggested that we are in for a very successful season. Alongside the state-of-the-art filtration system in the swimming pool, our pupils now have facilities to rival any in the city as we look to build on our already strong sporting reputation. With pupil achievement placed firmly at the centre of our development plans for the year, sporting successes are a major source of inspiration to the community. Earlier this week, we presented Leo (Year 11) with his medal for winning a nationwide sailing competition over the summer. Leo’s achievement in the Topaz class was all the more noteworthy as he was competing against very experienced sailors from across China. Our footballers from Years 7-9, both boys and girls, have school matches this week, and the eagerly anticipated ISCOT Middle School football tournament at the weekend. The boys are in high spirits, as reigning champions, and the girls have been training hard to regain their effervescent performances from last season. Winning such events is always wonderful, of course, but the emphasis at school is on competing fiercely and fairly at all times; our athletes must know how to win graciously and lose without rancour. In this way, the achievements we celebrate as a school are not simply those that end in victory. Wellingtonians learn how to cope with elation and dejection in equal measure as they develop such key life skills as resilience and respect for others. Vigorous competition, between equally matched teams or individuals, is the high point of any sporting contest. All performers – sporting or otherwise – relish such opportunities, and these occasions are only improved by the support of an audience of parents, friends and supporters. I would urge you all to come and lend your vocal support to our teams as they represent the school in competitions and matches: details of the fixture list are in the term diary. I sense that the community around our school continues to grow in size and spirit. Collective participation is not just confined to pupil events, of course, and this week saw a further addition to the activities of the Wellington College Association (WCA) in the form of free English classes for parents (Thursdays). For the WCA to meet the needs of all our community more fully, I welcome ideas from parents who would like the school’s support in developing its programme of events. The on-going and active engagement of our parents remains at the heart of all that we do; if you are keen to explore what the WCA can offer, please contact Peter Randall (peter.randall@wellingtoncollege.cn) and we will do our best to make such plans come to fruition. Best wishes Julian Jeffrey Master
MEET THE MASTER Master’s Office 1400hrs - 1515hrs Thursday 21st September This week, the Meet the Master slot is aimed at parents of pupils in Years 12-13. If you would like to attend, please confirm via email with Ms. Emma Shi (emma.shi@wellingtoncollege.cn) by Wednesday 20th September.

LEARNING TO LEARN Black Box 0900hrs - 1000hrs Wednesday 20th September Every Wednesday morning from 0900hrs, parents will have the chance to engage with the school in sessions that cover all aspects of your child’s education, from the Early Years to A Levels and university admissions. The venue will vary according to the anticipated audience, and for next week’s meeting, Mrs Samantha Wood, will give a lecture on Learning to Learn Programme.
SENIOR SCHOOL PARENTS’ EVENING Year 11 A Level Induction group: Open House Atrium 1700hrs - 1830hrs Tuesday 19th September Parents’ Evening for parents of pupils in the Year 11 A Level Induction group will be held on Tuesday 19th September from 1700hrs to 1830hrs. The meeting point is the Atrium where the introduction will be led by Mr Lewis, Dr Yang and Mrs Popovic. After the introduction, you will have an opportunity to ask questions about the House system in the Senior School and have a tour around your child’s House.
Student Planner Could all parents of pupils in the Senior School sign and check the Student Planner every week? Please sign at the top of the page to show us that you have checked it.

University Fair 2017 Sports Hall 1400hrs Thursday 21st September This is a reminder that the 4th Annual University Fair will be taking place in the Sports' Hall on Thursday 21st September. Parents of children in all year groups in the school are most welcome to attend from 1400hrs. Pupils in Years 12 and 13 will be attending from 1500hrs and pupils from Years 9 – 11 will be there from 1530hrs. The ASA will be cancelled on that day, but the school buses will be leaving at the usual time. However, the universities and colleges will be here until 1830hrs, so you will have plenty of time to communicate with the university and college representatives. University visit Yinghua International School Tuesday 19th September Year 12 and 13 pupils will be attending a university fair at Yinghua International School on Tuesday 19th September. We will leave school at 1030hrs and will be back by 1430hrs. We will travel there by bus and packed lunches will be provided. This is a great opportunity for our pupils to engage in meaningful dialogue with Admissions officers, to ask about the application process and any other questions they may have.
Influenza Vaccinations School Nurse’s Office 0830hrs - 1500hrs Thursday 21st September Tianjin United Family Hospital will be arranging influenza vaccinations for Junior and Senior School pupils over the age of 7 years old. It will be held on Thursday 21st September in the School Nurse’s office. This is designed to minimize the potential for the spread of flu within the school. It is recommended for all young pupils, as well as those with chronic chest conditions such as Asthma. The vaccination is optional, but open to all Wellington pupils. A medical form with more information has been sent out to parents; please complete the form and return it to the School Nurse before 19th September.
Service Trip Ru Hui Autism Centre 0800hrs - 1600hrs Sunday 24th September There will be 11 pupils and 3 teachers going to Tianjin Songjiang Horse Riding Club for a service trip on Sunday 24th September. It is aimed to give 7 autistic children from Ru Hui Autism Centre a taste of sensory integration training through horse riding. All volunteers will also visit a Mini Zoo and tropical plant garden with the families from Tianjin Ru Hui Autism Centre.

Congratulations to all the Stars of the Week last Friday. As we are proud of our Wellington ethos, now we also have a Star of the Week for Music, PE and EAL. Children have plenty of ways to earn a Star of the Week by embedding the Core Values, completing exceptional work, showing excellent behaviour in the school and having fantastic learning attitude. Year 2C won the Attendance Award last week with 99.7% attendance and all the children arrived school on time. A big courageous thank you to Andy in Year 5, who played a piece by Mozart– Well done! Also, children who have produced excellent work are sent to my office to pick something exciting out of my treasure box. This is another incentive for children to always try their best in all lessons. Charity Sleepover Once again, our pupil community showed their Wellington values of kindness and responsibility. 35 pupils spent their Friday night without their comfortable beds in order to raise money for Tianjin Jian Hua Orphanage. I'm proud to announce that we will donate 5012 RMB to this great cause, thanks to the amazing support of the pupils, their teachers, as well as all the parents who donated their money and time. Activities were organized for the pupils including a Scavenger Hunt, Chubby Bunnies, Dodge Ball and it was safe to say that both the staff and pupils were in need of a rest! We all had lots of fun and we hope even more pupils will join us next year.
Golden Learning moment Year 3 have been so excited to use satellite imagery to zoom out from Wellington to view the city of Tianjin and then the whole of China. They have had their passports stamped ready to set off to Australia on their journey "Around the World"!

WCA Workshops  Each week we will have workshops and lectures on various and colourful topics held by our school parents and friends. This is to enhance our bounds as a Wellington Community and we would love to welcome all of you to join us!
ANTI-GRAVITY YOGA Karma Yoga Studio 0900hrs Wednesday 20th September Karma yoga is a professional yoga studio, with 2 studios in Tianjin. Anti-gravity yoga is a very gentle and elegant exercise using a suspended hammock, it is easy and relaxing for beginners and yoga experts. The school bus will depart at 0900hrs and the session lasts from 1000hrs to 1100hrs. The Lunch afterward is located in a Japanese restaurant. If you would like to reserve a space please contact Ms. Klara Margetinova on klara.margetinova@yahoo.com. Group lessons are charged 40RMB for 10 people, 50RMB for 8 people and 60RMB for 6 people.
The TCM class on Tuesday 19th September is postponed
Tuesday 19 September 2017 1100hrs - 1200hrs WCA: Pilates (Dance Studio) 1700hrs - 1830hrs Parents' Evening: Year 11 (A Level Induction Year) (DP) Wednesday 20 September 2017 0900hrs - 1000hrs Parent Briefing: Learning to Learn (SW) (Black Box) 1430hrs - 1830hrs HS Volleyball vs TEDA IS (a) (RG) Thursday 21 September 2017 1400hrs - 1515hrs Meet the Master: Years 12-13 Parents (ES) (Master's Study) 1400hrs - 1800hrs 4th Annual International University Fair (JMS) (Sports Centre) Friday 22 September 2017 0830hrs - 1100hrs WCA: Art Class (KM) (Junior Art Room) 0930hrs - 1200hrs Nest Open Day (PR) (The Nest) 1100hrs - 1200hrs WCA: Pilates (Dance Studio) 1400hrs - 1600hrs ISCOT Football (Years 3-5) (h) (RG) (Sports Centre) Saturday 23 September 2017 All Day Model United Nations (Years 7-9) (MUNIST) (DJ) 0900hrs - 1130hrs Sixth Form Open Day (PR) (Atrium) 0900hrs - 1230hrs Saturday Activity Programme (SAP) (EvK) Sunday 24 September 2017 0800hrs - 1600hrs Service Trip with Ru Hui Autism Centre (SL)

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