Week Ahead

The Week Ahead 23 March 2017

06 Apr 2017

Dear Parents,

I hope all parents of students who are sitting public examinations next term will make careful note of the holiday revision advice we provide in this edition of The Week Ahead. Please establish, in partnership with your son or daughter, a clearly structured daily revision plan from the outset of the holiday break, including time for rest and relaxation.  Detailed guidance is provided today as to how to develop a holiday revision plan, and your child’s teachers will be very pleased to liaise with any parent requiring further advice concerning their child’s revision.

Exams are clearly important to our student’s future life opportunities, however the balanced approach to preparation we advise is also important for their wellbeing.  A good education should include and make time for a wealth of creative, cultural and sporting pursuits as well as academic study.  Sir Anthony Seldon, the previous master of Wellington College, expands on the importance of this in the article linked below, recently published in the (UK) Mail on Sunday newspaper:  

I am sure anyone who attended a performance of ‘Calamity Jane’ in the Seldon Theatre last week will be in no doubt about the importance we attach to the creative curriculum here at Wellington College International Tianjin.  This terrific production was an outstanding achievement of collective performing art by a three-figure cast.  I congratulate every pupil and staff member involved once again, not just on the splendid spectacle that thrilled every audience, but also on their dedicated teamwork through so many hours of rehearsals at lunchtimes, after school, and at weekends.  This was also a great celebratory week for our Director of Performing Arts, Steve Griffiths, who with his daughter Jane, has inspired such outstanding productions in every year since our College opened in 2011.  This is Steve’s retirement year, and he will be greatly missed – though there will be more to come under his direction next term. 
Continuing the creative and dramatic theme, ‘visually dramatic’ would be an apt description on this week’s strikingly powerful and highly imaginative IB Art Exhibition.  Congratulations to our Year 13 IB students.  Do drop into the Black Box Theatre tomorrow, if you have not yet done so and would like to enjoy this creative display.

With best wishes for a refreshing holiday break to all our Wellington families.

Michael Higgins,