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West Side Story - the greatest Broadway musical of all time

28 Feb 2019

West Side Story

The moment the curtain went up on the original West Side Story on Broadway, musical theatre changed forever; from the first notes to the final breath, West Side Story is one of the most memorable musicals and greatest love stories of all time. Arthur Laurents' book remains as powerful, poignant and timely as ever. The score by Leonard Bernstein and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim are widely regarded as among the best ever written. The world's greatest love story takes to the streets in this landmark Broadway musical that is one of the theatre's finest accomplishments.  

Brief Synopsis

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is transported to modern-day New York City as two young, idealistic lovers find themselves caught between warring street gangs, the "American" Jets and the Puerto Rican Sharks. Their struggle to survive in a world of hate, violence and prejudice is one of the most innovative, heart-wrenching and relevant musical dramas of our time.  


继去年《悲惨世界》校园版的大获成功后,天津惠灵顿学校今年将再次挑战百老汇经典音乐剧《西区故事》(West Side Story)---- 一部精美、感人、富于情感纠葛、观之荡气回肠的作品。《西区故事》诞生于1957年,三年后被改编成电影上映,并一举斩获第34届奥斯卡金像奖的10项大奖,成为了美国最著名的歌舞片之一。3月20日,百老汇经典音乐剧《西区故事》将在天津惠灵顿学校塞尔登剧场拉开序幕。演出将持续到3月23日,连续演出4场。 从《西区故事》的帷幕第一次在美国百老汇的舞台拉开,音乐剧的历史就被这部剧永远地改变了。从一个音符被奏响,到最后的乐章结束,《西区故事》的精彩贯穿始终,堪称史上最令人难忘的音乐剧之一,也是最伟大的爱情故事之一。编剧Arthur Laurents笔下的剧情在60多年后震撼依旧,扣人心弦,不因时间而褪色。作曲Leonard Bernstein谱写的旋律与作词Stephen Sondheim的词作也堪称最优秀的创作之一。这部剧将世界上最伟大的爱情故事搬到纽约街头,在百老汇的舞台上演,在戏剧史上落下浓墨重彩的一笔。  


她的灵感来自莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,发生在现代的纽约。一对满怀憧憬的年轻恋人,却不幸分属两个相对立的少年帮派。一方是美国本地少年组成的“火箭”,另一方是波多黎各裔少年的“鲨鱼”。这对恋人不得不在充满仇恨、暴力与偏见的环境中挣扎,展现了一部新颖而令人心碎,又兼具现实意义的音乐剧故事。     Venue: Seldon Theatre Time: 18:00pm Date: 20th, 21st, 22nd 23rd of March 100RMB per ticket Tickets will be available from the 4th of March * For further information please contact the College Reception Tel: 022-8758-7199   地点:塞尔登剧场 时间:晚6:00 日期:3月20日、21日、22日、23日 票价:人民币100元/张 门票将于3月4日起在学校前台出售 * 详情垂询,请拨打电话:022-8758-7199  

Previous Musicals 往届音乐剧回顾

[caption id="attachment_23595" align="alignnone" width="1000"] 2018 Les ‘Misérables 《悲惨世界》 [/caption]   [caption id="attachment_23593" align="alignnone" width="6000"] 2017 Calamity Jane 《女侠杰恩》 [/caption]   [caption id="attachment_23591" align="alignnone" width="2000"] 2016 Show Time[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_23589" align="alignnone" width="2000"] 2015 The Pirates of Penzance 《潘赞斯海盗》 [/caption]

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