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Year 6 Trip to UK Day 10 Round Up

26 Apr 2017
Our Year 6 pupils embark on an exciting adventure to England. Over 11 days, both educational and fun activities have been planned, including visits to Buckingham palace, Lego Land and Portsmouth bay. Towards the end of their stay pupils will also visit Wellington College where they will learn more about the history of the College and meet and greet with pupils and teachers. Throughout their stay in the UK, we will be keeping an ongoing blog so junior school classmates, parents and teachers can follow all their adventures. The final day of our trip involved a slightly later start with a hearty breakfast. We all packed up and weighed our cases to ensure they were under the weight restriction (this was a bit of an obsession for Mrs Bradley) and then tidied the room that we called home for the last 10 days. When everyone was ready we headed down to Waitrose supermarket to pick a sandwich for lunch. The pupils were quite surprised by the vast selection of sandwiched available. Everyone chomped merrily on the huge variety of sandwiches back at the hotel before the coach arrived to pick everyone up for the airport. At 12.30 we boarded the coach and made our way to Heathrow. Check in at the airport was a smooth process and soon everyone was onboard our flight to Beijing. There was great excitement as everyone was looking forward to getting home, seeing family and getting their mobile phones returned. We were lucky to have Sunday to recover from the jet lag before our return to school on Monday. Everyone was exhausted. We had enjoyed 10 amazing days, on a trip of life time that would never be repeated with the same people again. We had two wonderful coach drivers over the course of the trip, both called Steve. We were so very proud of all the wonderful compliments we received on our patience, good manners and exemplary behaviour everywhere we went. The staff although exhausted could not have asked for a better group of pupils, everyone was grateful for the patience of the staff and their hard work in running such a trip.

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