Peter and the Wolf
Peter and the Wolf
6th December 2016 Show times: 17.30hrs and 19.30hrs
Seldon Theatre Wellington College International Tianjin Free entry all welcome.
Tickets are available from the College Reception desk.
If you are not aware of the story of Peter and the Wolf please see the synopsis below. This will be a wonderful show, so come along and enjoy what will be a magical performance.
2016年12月6日 时间:第一场演出下午5:30;第二场演出晚7:30 地点:天津惠灵顿国际学校塞尔登剧场 凭票入场,免费索取 请至天津惠灵顿国际学校前台领取免费演出门票
PETER and the WOLF : words and music by Sergei Prokofiev. 《彼得与狼》作词、作曲:Sergei Prokofiev
The story. Peter lives at his grandfather’s home in the forest. One day, Peter goes out into the woods leaving the garden gate open behind him. A duck, who lives in the yard near Peter’s home, takes the opportunity to go swimming in the pond nearby. The duck starts arguing with a little bird who sits on a branch of a tree. Peter’s pet cat stalks them both quietly and the bird– warned by Peter- flies to safety in a taller tree, while the duck swims to safety in the middle of the pond. Peter’s grandfather is angry with Peter for being outside in the meadow alone, where he might meet a wolf. Grandfather takes Peter back into the house and locks the gate. Soon afterwards, a big grey wolf does come out of the forest. Frightened, the cat quickly climbs onto the tree, but the duck who has jumped out of the pond is chased, caught and then swallowed by the wolf. Peter fetches a rope and climbs over the garden wall onto the tree. He asks the bird to fly around the wolf’s head to distract it while he lowers a noose to catch the wolf. He is successful and the wolf is caught. Then, some hunters who have been tracking the wolf, come out of the forest ready to shoot the animal, but Peter stops them and instead asks them to help him take the wolf to the zoo. So Peter, the hunters, the bird, the cat and the grumpy grandfather all parade victoriously leading the wolf to the zoo. But what about the poor duck? Luckily the duck, who was swallowed whole by the wolf, was then spat out of the wolf’s tummy and was saved unharmed. 故事梗概 彼得住在他祖父在森林里的家。有一天,彼得走进树林,却忘记把他身后的花园大门关上。一只住在彼得家附近的鸭子,因此有机会在附近的池塘里游水。然后,鸭子开始和坐在树枝上的一只小鸟争论。彼得的宠物猫悄悄地跟上它们。鸟儿得到彼得的示警,飞到了一棵更高的树上,而鸭子也游到池塘中间,都躲过了猫儿的捕猎。 看到彼得单独待在草地上,可能会遇到狼的袭击,彼得的祖父非常生气。祖父把彼得带回房子并锁上门。不久之后,一只大灰狼从森林里出来。受惊的猫快速爬上树上,躲过了大灰狼,而是刚从池塘跳上岸的鸭子却被大灰狼捉住并吞下了肚。 彼得拿起一根绳子,爬上花园的墙上,然后爬上树。他让鸟在狼的头顶飞行,分散注意力,同时用绳套来捉狼。彼得最终成功,抓住了大灰狼。 然后,几个跟踪大灰狼的猎人从森林里出来,并准备击毙大灰狼,但彼得阻止了他们,要求他们帮忙把狼带到动物园。所以彼得、猎人、鸟、猫和脾气暴躁的祖父兴高采烈地将大灰狼送到动物园。但可怜的鸭子怎么样了? 幸运的是,被狼吞了的鸭子,被大灰狼从肚子里吐出来,完好无损地得救了。Related Articles