WellingTEN – Join the Discussion
WellingTENs have become something thing of a tradition already within the school. Three courageous pupils from across the age range once again took the lead by delivering another round of thought-provoking talks in Monday’s Senior School assembly. MeiWen (Year 13) offered a passionate analysis of the way her educational experiences at Wellington have allowed her to flourish as an individual. She feels that she has finally found her voice at the school, something that was never more clearly shown than during her inspiring talk.
Alex (Year 11) is new to the school this term, but he too has found a voice and his WellingTEN, on the aesthetics of car design, informed and entertained in equal part. One of the great features of these talks is the passion they engender in the speakers, and Alex’s obvious love of his material shone through his memorable performance.
Finally, Eric in Year 9 offered an audience already well-disposed to video games the apparent gratification of knowing there was strong scientific backing to the idea that ‘gaming is good for us’. He argued a persuasive line about the evidence of enhanced brain function as a result of regular gaming, and his research certainly threw up some interesting ideas.
All three of our WellingTEN speakers showed the levels of intellectual curiosity, personal motivation and expertise that we have come to expect from this format of assembly, and we are already planning our third series for the new year.