October Concert

Wellington College International Tianjin is proud to announce a mid-term music concert on Thursday October 20 in the Seldon Theatre, starting at 7pm.
The programme will showcase the substantial number of talented instrumentalists we have here in Wellington and focus on not just solo playing and will feature performances by both large and small ensemble groups.
The College now boasts of not just a string ensemble and wind band but also a chamber orchestra. All sections of the orchestra will be represented in what will undoubtedly be a varied and entertaining evening of music making. It will also give some of our music students, both of an advanced and elementary standard, a chance to make solo debuts on the Theatre stage, an opportunity not always afforded them in main concerts at other times of the year.
The concert on the 20th will also feature music from a wide range of styles and idioms, including, original compositions by some of our own students.
We hope you can join us for our first Wellington concert of the academic year and support the rich pool of musical talent we have at the College. Admission is free and refreshments will be available after the concert.
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