Students Arts Display
If you're passing through the school atrium anytime soon you will see a fantastic and diverse range of artwork on display. Firstly you'll notice the self-portrait sculptures made by year 9 students last term. Made with paper clay the sculptural heads have been painted a metallic bronze and some of them have fabric draped around them to take on the appearance of classical greek sculpture! Make sure you take in the fine detail in the facial features.
And don't forget to look up - a dazzling array of white lanterns made by year 8 are hanging above the atrium. Covered with ink drawings inspired by travel, the lanterns tell the story of places our students have visited.
Excellent artwork was made in all year groups last term and a special thanks must go to Mr. Edward Hughes, the former Head of Art who has now moved on to pastures new. An inspired and committed teacher he did wondrous things for the Art department at Wellington Tianjin and we wish him luck with his next venture.