Wellington College introduces Scholarship and Bursary Programme
A Proud Tradition, Educating for the Future
Wellington College International Tianjin introduced its Scholarship and Bursary Programme at a cocktail reception held at the Nikko Hotel on Tuesday, 22nd February 2011. The event was presided over by Mr David Cook, Founding Headmaster of the College in Tianjin. They were joined by governors and several members of the teaching staff at the new College, due to open in August 2011, including Mr Murray Fowler and Mr John Zermani, respectively Deputy Head and Head of the Junior School. There were also various heads of department from Wellington College in the UK, who were making their first visit to Tianjin. Earlier in the day they had visited the College campus and had expressed their delight at the wonderful facilities, all closely based on the architecture and design of the College in England. The event was well received with many captains of industry and leading representatives present from the Tianjin community.
In the elegant atmosphere of the Nikko Hotel’s Diamond Room, Mr Cook spoke eloquently on the enviable reputation Wellington College had in international education and his hopes and expectations for the partnership between the two schools and, more generally that between China and the UK. A royal foundation, Wellington College was established 150 years ago and boasts a long and proud connection with the royal family. The Visitor for the College is none other than Her Majesty the Queen, but, as Mr Cook pointed out, Wellington in Tianjin is not far behind, with the Queen’s son, His Royal Highness, the Duke of York, becoming the Visitor to the College following his visit in September 2010. Mr Robin Dyer, Deputy Head and teacher of the team from Wellington College in the UK, spoke about the Eight Aptitudes model of education, Wellington’s unique brand of learning, which will now be replicated at the College here in Tianjin. He continued: “This is a concept derived from Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. The Eight Aptitudes are linguistic and logical, social and personal, cultural and physical, moral and spiritual. The College has reworked Gardner’s ideas, demonstrating that every single child has eight different aptitudes. The message to every student is ‘you can do it’, to achieve the best results. But it goes beyond just results and the College is without a doubt a leader in teaching happiness and well-being to all its students”.
Mr Dyer concluded with a very firm prediction, drawing applause from all those gathered: “We aim high at Wellington and we know the College in Tianjin will become the leading international school in China. All our students will be encouraged to pursue their goals with self-belief and ambition, while seeking out those areas in which they can excel, supported by the highly-committed staff and the outstanding facilities at their disposal.”
Finally, Mr David Cook announced the Scholarship and Bursary Programme. The Wellington Scholarships will be awarded on merit at all age groups from Year 7 to Year 12, and will cover five disciplines: academic, sporting, music, drama and art. Most international schools only offer academic scholarships at Year 12. When asked why Wellington was being more ambitious in its provision, Mr Cook responded: “Wellington College is an exceptional school, and we want to help exceptional people meet their full potential. By offering the scholarship programme from an earlier stage and in a far wider field of disciplines, we are investing more time and expertise in helping our students reach their potential, whatever the activity, therefore giving them the best possible start to their future university pursuits and career aspirations.” Further information on the Wellington Scholarship and Bursary Programme can be found on the College website at www.wellingtoncollegeintl.cn.
Mr Cook concluded by reporting on the progress of the construction of the College in Tianjin: “We are firmly on course to complete the school by the end of May, giving us nearly three months to prepare for the opening”. All those present at the evening were duly impressed by the presentations and there was a general feeling of anticipation for the opening in August. The College wishes to thank all those who attended the evening and helped to make it such a glittering success. Wellington College International Tianjin will be holding Open Days on 26th February, 2nd April and 14th May later this year. Places at the Open Days will be limited so if you are interested in attending an early booking is encouraged. For bookings and general enquires please contact the College by calling +86 22 8758 7199 or +86 187 2248 7836, +86 187 2253 0823(한국부). You may also register for the Open Days by emailing the College at registrar@wellingtoncollegeintl.cn.
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