Junior School Harry Potter Day
Mr Bryan Crowe
Year 6 Teacher / English Lead

On 5th March, our school was magically transformed into the wizarding world of Harry Potter for our annual Harry Potter Day event. Pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 participated in a variety of enchanting activities that brought the spirit of Hogwarts to life. ☛
The school doors in the morning swung open to reveal a magical makeover. Walking the corridors, children could almost hear the swish of robes and whispers of spells. The walls were decorated with the vibrant colours of the four Hogwarts houses, while flickering candlelight and spooky-themed music set a truly enchanting atmosphere. Harry Potter himself would have been delighted to walk these transformed corridors.


Throughout the day, the young wizards and witches were involved in numerous activities. Little hands painted their way through Watercoloured Wizardry, while others mastered the art of spellcasting and potion-making. Laughter and excitement brought the Chatterpix and Chess classes to life, and of course, no Harry Potter Day would be complete without a lively game of Quidditch and a class in Herbology, where pupils learnt about magical plants.

To conclude the day, a spellbinding assembly was led by the Year 6 pupils. A big thank you goes out to all the dedicated teachers who worked tirelessly to make this day extraordinary. It was truly a ‘Sirius-ly’ magical experience!
We can confidently say that the memories from this Harry Potter Day will remain with the children long after the echoes of the final spell have faded. It was a day filled with wonder, laughter, and most importantly, a shared love for the magical world of Harry Potter.

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