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Year 1 Graduation | From Little Learners to Big Achievers

08 Jul 2024






Jan Bennett

Head of Early Years

Every year we have the defining moment for our Year One pupils as they take to the stage to graduate from the Nest to the next step in their lifelong education. It is a moment that makes us proud, happy and sad in equal measure.




This year we saw the class of 2024 display their confidence on stage as they sang, danced and recited a small part of the things they had learned across the year. They spoke eloquently in English and Mandarin to an audience of family and friends. Looking around the theatre I could see the smiles and the pride with which family members watched their children shine on stage.



The ceremony allowed Ms Lisa Li and me to congratulate every individual pupil on achieving this part of their learning journey. Some children had been with us a short time, joining in Year One. Others had begun their Wellington journey at the same time I joined the Nest. This for me made this graduation very poignant. As the children were leaving the Nest, I too will be leaving to return to England.


After the graduation certificates had been presented, I spoke about an African proverb which explains how it takes a village to raise a child. I also explained that we are the village. The children in Year One have their families as the longest and most enduring educators. It really does not matter how old you are, as children, teenagers and adults, there will be many times we turn to our family for advice and guidance. Our family are our most consistent source of information and education. 


As teachers, we know we have a relatively short time to engage and influence our pupils with teaching and learning. It is usual for a teacher to be with a child between August and June. This gives a teacher only 10 months to work with a pupil.


When you gazed upon the stage and saw the care and affection between our fabulous Owl class and the teachers who have nurtured them through the academic year, I think it is clear to see the intensity of that teaching and learning relationship. It positively shines from the stage.


We wish all our Nest graduates the very best for their future learning and success. Reach for the stars!



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