A Journey through the Magic of Hogwarts

Melissa Meikle
Junior School Assistant Head & English Lead
Harry Potter, the seven-book series by author J.K. Rowling, is one of the most successful of all time. The love of this magical world activates the minds of young and old and, for two days in May the Junior School brought this inspiration to life.

Our Harry Potter days saw the corridors of our very own Hogwarts swarming with witches and wizards and the theme threaded through every part of our days and our learning. Magical Maths, herbology, 3D Hogwarts designing and potion-making were some of the exciting and enriching activities rolled out for the young magicians. To top it off, we all enjoyed some very energetic“quaffle”chasing and broomstick flying skills in our own version of the magic world’s favourite game – Quidditch.

Life at Hogwarts is not always easy. Friendships, learning and growing up are all themes seen in the Harry Potter stories and our own school life. We loved having these two worlds cross over for a few days and know that through imagination, dedication, enthusiasm, and hard work the children will carry on showing us their own individual magic every day!
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