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Sports Day 2023

15 May 2023


From Y11 pupil & school sports journalist



On 18th April, Wellington held its annual Sports Day, and it was a day full of energy, excitement, and friendly competition. Pupils from all grades participated in various athletic events, showcasing their skills and team spirit.



The day started with Ms Wei and Mr Almond welcoming the pupils and encouraging them to do their best. The pupils split into their houses with each team wearing their designated colours and cheering each other on.




The events of the day included races of different lengths and categories such as sprints, relays, and long distance. There were also field events, such as long jump, triple jump and javelin. The pupils were determined to win, demonstrating their speed, agility, and strength, while their teammates and classmates cheered them on.




Apart from the competitive events, there were also fun activities and games that the pupils enjoyed, such as tug-of-war and fun races. These events helped to build teamwork and sportsmanship among the pupils, as they worked together towards a common goal.



The Sports Day ended with a closing ceremony, with an inspiring speech delivered by Ms Peden (The Head of Senior School) where pupils and teachers came together to recognise everyone's amazing effort and dedication. Top performers in each event received medals. However, every pupil who participated was recognised for their efforts and contribution to their team's success. A special thanks go to the PE Department for making this day happen. Their time and effort are greatly appreciated throughout the school.



From Y12 pupil - Albert

On this Sports Day, I realised the special feeling collective honour brought to me, especially in the tug-of-war project. Everyone is working hard for the honor of their house. In addition to the common jump running, there are a lot of fun activities to compete, and I am looking forward to the next Sports Day. 


From Y12 pupil - Daned

This year’s Sports Day was an event that I have not experienced at this school before even though I have been at Wellington for nearly 8 years. From start to finish the pupils on the day showed their Wellington Identites, through last-minute signups to races or by the recognition of the effort of competitors after events. The most special thing about Sports Day however was how the whole school came together and that is something special.   



Overall, it was a fantastic day filled with memorable moments and a true celebration of sportsmanship and teamwork. Congratulations to all the pupils who participated, and a big thank you to the organisers and volunteers who made it all possible.


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