Wellington Hosts the First Senior School Careers Fair
A Glimpse into the Future and Dreams

The primary objective of our Careers Fair is to help pupils understand what industries are looking for in terms of skills and talents, to give them a glimpse into the future, and to encourage them to pursue their passions.

We were fortunate to be able to draw from the professional expertise of our Wellington Community, with most of the guest speakers at the fair being our pupils’ parents. Without their support, the event would not have been the huge success it was. Our speakers’ approach to sharing their knowledge varied, with some parents focusing on describing the characteristics of the industry, while others expanded on the relationship between their profession and social development.

One speaker even explained why she gave up her stable job to follow her inner voice and start again. Their stories and energy inspired our pupils to think about the relationship between the present and the future. Although the current choice in either course subjects or universities is important, what is more important is lifelong learning, lifelong exploration, and self-development to ensure success in life.

The Beauty of Education - One person igniting the passion of another

Our parents' passionate support of our pupils’ self-exploration is truly inspiring. A Year 13 pupil who will soon study economics at university sought advice from one of our parents working at PwC. The parent patiently provided guidance and advice on her academic pursuits and also discussed plans for future internships at PwC.

Our parents' passionate support of our pupils’ self-exploration is truly inspiring. A Year 13 pupil who will soon study economics at university sought advice from one of our parents working at PwC. The parent patiently provided guidance and advice on her academic pursuits and also discussed plans for future internships at PwC. Another parent who works as a lawyer shared a story about a pupil who sought her advice on a legal issue. The pupil's articulate and well-reasoned arguments surprised the parent, demonstrating not only a deep understanding of the law but also a rigorous approach to thinking and expression at his age.

A Year 10 pupil was inspired by the entrepreneurial experience of a previous graduate and recited an English poem to her at the fair booth. In the field of engineering, some pupils often imagine engineers are quiet and introverted individuals working with blueprints and on computers every day. However, in the conversations with professionals from Nestlé and Flender during the Careers Fair, pupils discovered that engineers could be interesting, talkative and open-minded. Through these touching interactions between pupils and parents, the beauty of education is exemplified vividly - one person is igniting the passion of another.

Pupil-led creative designs

The Careers Fair was a fantastic platform to show off the artistic talents of our Wellingtonians. The invitation cards, posters for each participating company, booth layout design, and even the countdown board for the guest speakers were all created by pupils with a passion for art.

Whilst the Careers Fair has ended, many companies have offered opportunities for open day visits or field trips, so our pupils will continue to explore a career path outside of school. As one Year 13 pupil said, the impact of the Careers Fair may not be immediately apparent, but they may look back on it in the future as a defining moment that inspired them.
If life truly has a starting line, perhaps exposure to one's true self at an early age, with the courage to seek out a suitable path, is the real starting line. We believe our Careers Fair provides a platform for pupils to explore themselves and learn about various industries, which can significantly impact their present and future.
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