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Nest STEAM Week - Senior Pupil-Led Learning Activity

20 Apr 2023


From Ms Milovanovic

Chemistry Teacher / EPQ coordinator

We had the pleasure of hosting Reception and Year 1 pupils during the Nest STEAM week. The children had an opportunity to do hands-on activities prepared by our Year 12 pupils, who were keen to answer every question the little ones had.





This collaboration between Nest and Senior School is just one of the cross-curricular activities we are doing at Wellington College Tianjin.





Seeing how children perceive scientific phenomena and how practical activities can develop their cognitive abilities was wonderful. I was also very proud to see our Year 12 pupils organising these exciting activities and carefully explaining the scientific concepts to the young children. I want to thank the pupils from our school Science Society for their effort in organising this activity and congratulate them on its success. 


From Jacqueline

Year 12 pupil / Member of the Science Society


I’m Jacqueline from Year 12, studying A-Levels in Biology, Chemistry, Maths, and Physics. My goal is to take biochemistry at university and pursue a career related to this, such as cancer or pharmaceutical research. This appeals to me because I would be able to continue studying a subject I am fascinated with and get the opportunity to help improve people’s health and well-being.

I started to like science in Year 8 because of our fascinating experiments in the school laboratory. I remember being amazed by the reactions between different chemicals and how our observations can be tied together using logic to develop theories about how the world works. I became curious about many scientific areas and enjoyed the feeling when I found an answer to my questions. As I explored science more seriously, I discovered that it is an extraordinary tool that can help us solve problems. I am attracted by science’s potential to help us find new solutions to some of the biggest problems we face in the 21st century.

I was excited about working with the little ones from the Nest for the STEAM week event. Our science society prepared two fascinating hands-on experiments for the children.



Firstly, we made lava lamps using oil, water, dyes, and Alka-Seltzer tablets. The little ones enjoyed learning about the “lava waves” caused by carbon dioxide production from the Alka-Seltzer. 





Our second experiment used milk, dyes, and detergent to create rainbow patterns on plates reminiscent of beautiful artwork.


We hope these experiments triggered an interest in seemingly miraculous and mystical science phenomena and helped the children understand simple scientific concepts such as diffusion, surface tension, and chemical reactions. My peers and I were amazed by how inquisitive the little ones were during the experiments and their boldness in asking questions in front of the whole class. It is wonderful that they have developed these values of curiosity and courage so early, as asking questions and challenging old ideas about how the world works are critical skills that could help them become successful scientists in the future.

We Senior School pupils also learnt a lot from this memorable experience with the Nest children. We discovered how challenging it is for our lab technicians to organise experiments and allow us to carry out practical activities smoothly, successfully and accurately. We also exercised patience and empathy by putting our feet in the Nest children’s shoes to ensure they could understand the instructions and explain their observations. Finally, we developed our organisation skills and practised our scientific communication skills by running this small event.

I want to express my appreciation for all effort made by my peers and the support received from teachers in the science department. I hope the children enjoyed the fun experiments and had a meaningful time with us. I can see that some of them have already fallen in love with science, and I am excited about working with them again.



From Ms Jan

Head of Early Years

The Nest staff and children would like to extend our thanks to the Senior School staff and pupils who worked hard to bring science to life for our young scientists. To have the opportunity to learn science in the labs, usually, the preserve of senior pupils was a truly memorable experience for our children. We have been able to display many photographs taken by the staff to show what the children did and how well they were supported by the Wellington Science Society. This is an annual event and we look forward to bringing more Nest children next year.

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