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"Wellington Talk" Live - Streaming Podcast

11 Apr 2023



Although academic achievement for pupils is important, their well-being is also an issue of great concern as it affects pupils’ mental health and growth. Helping pupils to feel connected and engaged in their learning, and collaborating effectively with parents, will enable them to develop the social and emotional skills to grow into happy, respectful, well-balanced, and successful members of their school and the wider community.


Wellington College China’s unique pastoral care provision ensures that pupils graduate as well-rounded individuals with strong values and the skills to thrive within an ever-changing world. 


“Our goal is to integrate pastoral care with academic performance in pupil education. Successful learners will have a better chance to become successful people in the future society.”says Mr Julian Jeffrey, the Chief Executive Master of Wellington College China.


In April, we will have our Pastoral and Well-being teachers, parents from the Nest and Junior School, Year 13 pupil, and industry expert from United Family Healthcare talk about how to build positive parent-child relationships, and how to guide children to develop strong minds and embrace happiness.  


Every Thursday at 8:00 pm, our Wellington experts will share educational topics and take you on a journey of growth and development. Scan the QR code on the poster to follow the official school WeChat account and reserve your seat for the Live-Streaming Podcast.


Scan the QR code to follow our Wechat video account and reserve the live-streaming event

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