Class of 2022 break records!
Jayne Sabio
Head of Sixth Form
Head of University Guidance Team
Hannah Kim
Korean Coordinator
University Guidance Counsellor

We are delighted to announce further exciting university offers for our 2022 graduates. Our graduates have received offers from the top four universities in Korea: Seoul National University (SNU) (2), KAIST (1), Yonsei (2) and Korea University (1), making this a record year for Korean offers. These pupils also hold offers from Imperial College London and the University of Oxford, amongst others.

Wellington has built up a strong connection with the leading Korean universities over the past six years. As well as annual visits to Seoul to meet with admissions’ teams, the school has hosted representatives from a number of these universities on their trips to Tianjin. It is clear that Korean universities have come to regard A levels as among the very best post-16 qualifications in the world. They value the significant academic depth and rigour of A Levels, and the flexibility of the curriculum allows our pupils to do so many other activities and research outside of their normal lessons. For example, two of our pupils completed an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) which helped them to further understand their chosen areas of study.

University Fair 2019

James presented in the EPQ event
A Levels offer ideal preparation for study at elite universities. Pupils can not only choose the number of subjects they can study but also the range and breadth, from a focus on areas of personal strength to a broad programme of study that encompasses many disciplines. It is not a surprise, therefore, that our A Level pupils go on to gain great offers from the UK, US, Canada, Hong Kong and Korea.
Top Korean University Offers

Our pupils spend years preparing for their applications and receive strong support from the school. Nicole, who has an offer to read Biological Sciences at KAIST, launched and ran a highly academic extra-curricular course. She coordinated and led a class of 20 pupils through a twelve-week Anatomy and Physiology After School Activity (ASA). Nicole led the class by examining activities, including several anatomy presentations and related dissection practicals in the respiratory organs, brain, eyes and circulatory system organs. Nicole ensured that the work produced was of a very high standard. In such classes, an awareness of the need to educate young scientists about being respectful when working with animal tissue is essential, and the group regularly focused on such moral issues. As a result, the group gained a deeper understanding of the concepts involved, extending knowledge well beyond the requirements of the curriculum. The initiative demonstrated that Nicole displays an extremely high level of subject knowledge, maturity and a genuine desire to share her love of science with others.

James - who has received offers from SNU and Yonsei - has been at Wellington College in Tianjin for three years. During his time, he has made huge progress. He has been an exemplary classmate and leader who has taken every opportunity to share his love of STEM and help his classmates. Over the past year, James gave up some of his valuable self-study time to help younger pupils to learn physics in peer tutoring sessions. He not only helped them to solve problems but created tests and assignments to help impart his love of science. James also helped to design and record a video lecture series for CAIE Statistics to share with Wellington Maths pupils. He was appointed as Head of House and the Deputy Head of College, indicating his status as a year group leader and role model. He helped to organise many intense projects including our Christmas bazaar, house film competition, anti-bullying week, prom, and Halloween party. In addition to student academic leadership, he was also the basketball team captain and led our school team in its many matches with the other schools in Tianjin.

Rose has been with us for eight years and has received offers to read Bioscience from SNU, Yonsei and Korea University. Rose established herself as an outstanding prospect in all three sciences over the course of her A Level studies. She enjoys challenging herself by looking into areas beyond the scope of the A-Level syllabus, becoming particularly interested in virology and the immune system after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. She pursued her curiosity by writing a research paper on cytokine storm syndrome and then delivering a talk to the whole school on the potential of MRNA vaccines as a means of pandemic control. At the same time, she has maintained a range of diverse interests throughout her time in school. Rose was appointed as Head of College and took her leadership responsibilities very seriously indeed. She led the student council team in the organisation of the College’s Anti-bullying Week, designing a plan of activities for the week which she presented to the Senior Leadership Team for approval. She also presented two assemblies outlining in detail the difference between conflict and bullying. The impact of her efforts to reduce bullying can be seen in the recent pupil survey which indicated a 20% drop in reported or witnessed bullying.

The bespoke support that they have received throughout their time in Wellington has also no doubt helped them to receive these amazing offers. Our flexible A Level curriculum and extra-curricular programme have enabled them to explore their interests far beyond their chosen A Levels.
Admissions Hotline
(+86)187-2248-7836 (English)
(+86)187-2253-0823 (한국부)
We are delighted with all their achievements and wish them every success on the next stage of their journey.
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