The Year of the Tiger | Art Competition Winners
Wellington College International Tianjin launched a very special celebratory Art competition during the Michaelmas term in honour of Chinese New Year 2022. The children were given the task of creating a very momentous piece of artwork to commemorate this special day. Each child’s task was to create a unique and colourful piece of artwork using any medium or materials they chose. The theme of the artwork given was ‘The Tiger’ as 2022 is the year of the Tiger. Children throughout the Junior school submitted their projects after the December holiday, where several judges including art teachers were able to choose the winning entrants. The high standard and aesthetic beauty of the pieces made it hard for the judges to choose the winners, all the artwork was so fantastic! 8 Winners were selected and announced in assembly on the first Wednesday back after the holidays. Well done to all those who took part in this fantastic competition.
Year 3
Year 3
Year 3
Year 4
Year 4
Year 5
Year 5
Year 5